Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 21, 1960
NUMBER 36, PAGE 2-3b

New Bible School Literature


It is with a great deal of pleasure that we announce a new series of Bible School literature now being offered by the Gospel Guardian. For many years there has been a wide-spread unrest and growing dissatisfaction with the literature generally available. Interested brethren from every part of the nation have repeatedly written to us, or asked us personally, if something could not be done to bring out a series of literature helps in which the Biblical content was more pronounced. The various types of literature available to faithful churches were generally recognized to be sadly lacking in effectiveness, scriptural content, and student interest.

For ten years or more we have had these queries and comments coming to us over and over again. And within the last two or three years (when it became evident that some of the other publication companies were beginning to inject their own peculiar liberalistic opinions and theories into their literature) the desire for a Bible-centered literature has increased greatly.

At Last, We Have The Answer!

For many weeks now the presses have been working at high speed to get the new series ready for distribution. We have hit the bull's eye, we think, in the kind of literature faithful congregations will desire!

The new series, under the general designation "Some Things You Should Know", has been prepared under the careful supervision of Brother Lloyd Moyer of El Cerrito, California. The lessons have been used (in mimeograph form) by Brother Moyer and others for several years, and have been tested in a great number of congregations, and in a wide variety of communities — city, county, industrial, university, middle-class, etc. — with truly phenomenal results. Almost from the first week class interest has taken a healthy upswing. Both teachers and students have shown enthusiasm and appreciation for the lessons. Class attendance has grown; Bible study has been stimulated; and, best of all, there has been a marked increase in the desire to learn God's will.

Lloyd Moyer is one of the best known gospel preachers in the west. He is a Texan by birth, but for the last fifteen years has made his home in California. He and his two preaching brothers (Forrest D. and Otis H.) constitute one of the most effective "preaching families" in the church today. Residing now at El Cerrito, California, Brother Moyer has used this series of lessons in promoting interest in Bible study in some of the fastest growing congregations in the nation. Widely in demand through the years for gospel meetings (and in defending the cause in debate with various denominational preachers) Moyer has had many opportunities to know what brethren need to be taught to enable them to live successful Christian lives in a world under tension and turmoil. In this series he has utilized both his great experience and his deep knowledge of Bible truth to fit the truth of God's word to the need of the hour. The result is a truly GREAT production. It will be deeply appreciated by all who are concerned for a "thus saith the Lord" in a world that is troubled and divided.

It is impossible in the brief compass of this article to give any sort of adequate description of the lessons. We can only point out a few features. Among them we mention:

Simplicity. There are four major levels of study: 1) Pre-School; 2) first through third grade; 3) fourth through sixth grade; 4) Junior high through adult. The course covers a three-year period — that is, for example, a total of twelve quarterlies at each level. It will take three years for the Pre-School children to cover the material at their level; three years, then, for the first through third grades to cover their material, etc. In addition to this, the adult classes (out of school) will be given a wide variety of lesson series to choose from.

Student interest. The work-book feature of the series is stimulating and intensely interesting to the students. Class participation is at a maximum. The teacher finds himself (or herself) constantly "on the jump" to stay ahead of the class. This old, dead, boring lackadaisical attitude of the teacher reading a question, and then the student hurriedly searching his quarterly for the answer, (so often and painfully present in past Bible classes) is forever gone! There is enthusiasm, eager interest, a genuine feeling of regret and disappointment when the bell rings the end of the class-period!

Bible Content. These are not lessons about the Bible; nor vague comments from some inadequately prepared brother — these are lessons taken from the Bible itself! "The Bible is its own best interpreter" is an axiom too often overlooked by those who prepare Bible school literature. But this material does not make that error. The student must go again, and again, and again! right to the sacred text itself. Each lesson calls for specific preparation. Both teacher and student will WANT to make that preparation; for the study of the Bible (not study about the Bible) is the most fascinating and most rewarding of all studies.

Adaptability. This material is flexible; it can be adapted by the teacher to meet the needs and demands of the group. Its simplicity and adaptability are highly desirable features which have been sadly lacking in most literature hitherto available.

This literature is easy to order, easy to use, easy to adapt to the particular needs of individual congregations. For further information on it, see the full page advertisement in this issue. We will be happy to have you examine the series — and we are confident that those who are looking for a "Bible-centered" material for class use will be as thrilled at these new quarterlies. (See the advertisement for ordering instructions.)

— F. Y. T.