The Overflow
"That Missionary Societies are unknown in the New Testament, and therefore unprovided for by it, is what no one acquainted with its teachings will deny.. . . They can plead no authority for their existence, above the joint assent of those who create them; and this assent is as human as the fingers which write their bylaws." (Lard's Quarterly — Vol. II, page 134).
"As long as cooperation is voluntary among us, some may co-operate in one good work, some in another, and some not at all. The word 'voluntary' forever makes 'activating the church universal' impossible." (Reuel Lemmons, Firm Foundation, March 18, 1958.)
Report From Searcy
"We heard the final sermon at the Searcy Lectureship this year. It was well attended. From 7:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. money was raised for the college. A song was sung, then a prayer, followed by another song. Brother M. Keeble was introduced as the speaker of the hour. He spoke first concerning money and then concerning the colleges. He stated that we are just beginning to put our emphasis in the right places. He said he hoped to see the day when the churches would not only build and support colleges out of the treasury, but also church hospitals. He closed with an appeal for unity and brotherly kindness (which unity and brotherly kindness we are certainly in favor of). But after the sermon, instead of an invitation song, there was another appeal for money for the college. From 7:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. various topics were mentioned in the following proportions:
Money - 117 times
Colleges and schools 89 times
The church 39 times
God 20 times
The Bible 11 times
Christ 11 times
Plan of salvation 0 times
"I wonder if that is what they mean by the statement: 'We are beginning to put our emphasis in the right place' "? "Oh, yes, and Brother Benson said that the field is the world, and the colleges are turning out the seed corn, or something to that effect."
Signed: Little Orphant Anti Restrictive Clause
A few weeks ago a gospel preacher in Wichita, Kansas, preached a pretty, strong sermon against dancing and divorce in one of the Wichita churches — and so incensed a number of the guilty ones that they gave serious thought, and actually made inquiries, as to the possibility of inserting a "restrictive clause" in the deed to the church property forbidding and prohibiting any preaching on those subjects within the walls of that church!
2,435 Congregations
We are in receipt of a letter from the "Herald of Truth" radio and television cooperative soliciting funds from 2,435 congregations to finance their program for 1960. The letter, dated December 1, said they had eight percent of their needs promised — and only lacked ninety-two percent of having their budget fully subscribed! Sort of reminds us of the hobo who opined that if he had a couple of slices of bread, he could have a ham sandwich, provided he could find a slice of ham somewhere.
Church Mice
A certain elder in a Kentucky church wrote the brethren at Fort Smith recently soliciting help for the hard pressed brethren in that coal-mining district. He said they were desperately poor in the congregation where he was an elder, in fact, "as poor as church mice." Well, Park Hill Church responded nobly to this worthy appeal — but Cecil Douthitt had a wry bit of comment to make on that "church mice" comparison. Said he: "Brother Johnson lives in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky and is not too familiar with the modern kitchens of some city churches, else he would never have compared the poverty of his people to that of church mice. The fattest mice in the nation now are the church mice feeding on the doughnuts and hot dogs in church kitchens."
"No Anti", Please!
"After seeing all of these ads from churches wanting preachers in which they state that "No Anti need apply," or "No hobbyist need apply," I was amused the other day to see an ad in one of the gospel papers where this 'restrictive clause' was conspicuous by its absence. This interesting appeal appeared recently in The Christian Echo, a gospel paper published by our colored brethren:
"I have been a member of the Church of Christ for 19 years. I am 40 years old, and I desire to get acquainted with some Christian brother who might consider marriage. More information about myself in first letter. My address is Miss_____ (I withhold the name and address — the paper gave it.)"
The above note from Cecil Willis, Akron, Ohio, suggests that when one gets "past the flower of her age", she may not be quite as 'choosy' as in earlier years. And some of these "no anti, please" and "no hobbyist, please" churches with their noses in the air may yet live to see the day when they will settle for a real good man — even if he does collect stamps, or use anti-freeze in his car in winter time! In fact, we think any elder who would agree to support any preacher who has NO hobbies, and is NOT "anti" something or other, is probably himself a likely candidate for a straight jacket; and such a preacher (if one ever existed) would be the prize pulpit moron of all ages. (But maybe that is what some want!)
Patton's Sermons
Once again, as on several previous occasions, we publish another fine sermon by Brother Herschel Patton — one in a continuing series of sermons on the "Baptist Manual". We remind you that this review of Baptist doctrine is in print, and would make a most excellent gift for some honest Baptist friend. The entire "Manual" is reviewed in the eighteen sermons. Price is 11.00, and the book can be ordered from the Gospel Guardian. Just ask for "Radio Sermons" by Patton.
Wallace-Holt Debate
We were tremendously impressed last month by the great interest shown by brethren who attended the debate at Florence, Alabama, between G. K. Wallace and Charles A. Holt. Such obvious desire to know God's truth, shown by such a great multitude, is wonderfully encouraging. We believe such discussions should be held in every part of the nation. Where is another community which will arrange for such?