Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

Loaves And Fishes

Warren Rainwater, Pensacola, Florida

The Lord had people following him, not because of the love for him in their hearts, but because of the satisfaction received from feeding the belly with the food from the hands of our Lord. (John 6:26,27.) The Lord was not pleased with that kind of person. We ought to be able to see and learn a great lesson from that passage.

It is self-evident that many today are trying to get people to come to church by holding out as a lure, not the gospel of Christ, but some social function. The "fellowship" brings them together and then they are exposed to a mild case of teaching. Nothing too hard but ease up on them when they are not expecting anything and convert them almost before they know it. It is common place to see where certain events are planned and then see in big letters that certain refreshments are to be served afterwards. The idea is if you want the "ice cream and cake" you will have to come and be at the planned service. In order to get the social thrill, you must endure the religious program that comes with it. On top of all that, some preachers are trying to justify it by the scriptures!

Here is the way the song goes, "the social hour is an aid to getting them together and we are allowed to advertise, therefore, it is a form of advertising. It brings all closer together and thereby aids directly in opening the doors to homes that otherwise couldn't be reached; therefore, it becomes an aid to carrying out the great commission". This looks pretty good at first glance. The only thing wrong, that I can see, is that it just isn't the truth according to the Bible. The Lord said, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me." (John 6:44,45.) The only way a person can be drawn to God is by the gospel of God. It is the power to save. They must be taught the will of the Father. It is certainly wrong to try to bribe somebody into becoming a Christian. Enticements can have, and many times do have the wrong effect and the work suffers as a result of it.

The defenders declare that "social helps" are an aid to edification and also an aid to preaching the gospel. The Christian Church declares the piano to be an aid to singing and therefore it is an aid to edification since we teach each other in songs. We know how to answer that quibble and rightly so. How then can a gospel preacher turn right around and do the same thing in another part of the function of the church and expect to be justified? In fact it can't be done. There is just as much scripture that will allow the artificial music in the worship as there is that will allow a person to use social functions as "come ons" in the work of the church.

The whole program of recreation, church kitchens, church sponsored parties, and the like are actions not allowed by the scriptures. Why? It goes beyond the will of the Lord. There is no authority for the church engaging in such. In absence of some form of authority, it falls in the area of digression.

The Christian Church preacher says that the worship is made up of praying, singing, playing, teaching, giving, and the Lord's Supper. At least that is what he does. Some of our marching churches are saying, by actions, that the work of the church consists of preaching, doing good to others, (if you agree with me) edifying, and recreation. There is just as much scripture for the instrument as an aid to worship as there is for the social craze as an aid to edification.

Of course the final blame must be shouldered by the elders as they permit or endorse these things. The preachers that engage in such are either trying to make a name for themselves or don't know any better. I much rather think it is the former. We had better be studying what Paul said about a good minister. I can't find where it defines the work of a preacher as a social director for the young people. I think we all love our young people and should see that they have the proper form of recreation etc., but it isn't the task of the church to so provide but the job falls squarely on the shoulders of the parents. If the preacher has to spend his time trying to think up some good games to entertain the children of the members, then he can't be expected to give forth with much gospel because his time is taken up. (On second thought, maybe the reason he is required to do so much of that activity, is to keep him from having too much time to spend working on lessons. It is possible he might come up with some tough sermons if given the chance).

The whole idea borders on the following of the Lord for the loaves and fishes. We must be very careful that we don't appeal to the fleshly lusts instead of the scriptural needs of man. Carnal weapons will never win a spiritual fight.

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He that believeth and is baptized shall he saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned. — Mark 16:15, 16.