Corrections For Article:
James W. Adams, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The following typographical errors were in this article which appeared in the Gospel Guardian, October 22, 1959, pages 4 and 5:
Paragraph 2, page 5, I am made to say: "(4) because it is predicted upon an unscriptural concept." I said: "predicated" not "predicted."
Paragraph 4, page 5, I am made to say: "The creation of such agencies as conventions, associations, and missionary societies is an effort on the part of man to give organic eternity to .....I said: "organic entity" not "eternity."
Last paragraph, page 5, 13 lines from the bottom, several lines are omitted rendering the matter unintelligible. Here is what I said: "The Christian Church would have quite as much right to infer from this specific a generic command for "churches to cooperate" and from the generic thus obtained infer the scripturalness of the missionary society as a "method" of such cooperation as our brethren have to infer a generic command for "churches to cooperate" from a specific example and from the generic thus obtained infer the scripturalness of the "sponsoring church method of cooperation."
The reader is urged to go back and read the article with the above corrections. It will make a great deal more sense to you.