Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 13, 1959

Hypocritical Liars

Lloyd Moyer, El Cerrito, California

The scriptures has a great deal to say about liars and none of it is favorable. Jesus points out that the devil is a liar and the father of it. (John 8:44.) We learn that ALL liars shall be eternally lost. (Rev. 21:8.) There are different kind of liars. I have heard of "born liars" or "congenital liars," it seems that this kind would rather tell a lie than the truth when the truth would serve better. There is the "egotistical liar"; this kind lies to make himself look good to others. He tells of great things he has done. Then there is the "occasional liar"; this one will lie only when he finds himself in a tight and a lie will get him out. There are many other kinds of liars, but we shall be concerned with only one kind in this lesson. That is the "hypocritical liar". You may wonder what kind of a liar this is; if you do, please read the rest of this article.

(1 Tim. 4:1-3) "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

Many sermons have been preached from this text showing that "some shall depart from the faith", "forbidding to marry", "abstain from meats", etc. These should be preached. However, I am persuaded that some sermons should be preached on those who "speak lies in hypocrisy".

A hypocritical liar is one who "speaks lies in hypocrisy". This is one who KNOWS that the thing he tells is a lie, and he is "acting a part" when he tells the lie. This kind of liar is the most vicious type to be found. This kind of liar poses as a very religious person. Usually expressing great love and piety, seeming to be very sincere. Because of this false front they are able to do much harm. Therefore, they should be exposed.

Some Examples Of Hypocritical Liars

1 — The Sectarian preacher. This fellow heard a gospel preacher teach the truth about the proper division of the "word of truth", showing that God's people are not under the old law but are under the Law of Christ. (Gal. 2:16; 3:23-25; 5:4.) This Sectarian preacher knows that he cannot meet the arguments, and that he MUST do something or he will lose members; so, he invents a lie. Knowing full well that it is a lie, he will pretend great piety in announcing that the "Campbellites do not believe the Old Testament".

2 — Another sees the force of arguments that baptism in water is "for the remission of sins" (Acts 2:38); that it is a command, (Acts 10:48); that baptism saves us." (1 Peter 3:21.) Immediately he begins to say that those who make such arguments "believe in water salvation", or, "they do not believe in being saved by the blood of Christ", or he may be heard to call them "Water-dogs", "mossbacks" etc. These are all lies and he knows that they are. He is a "hypocritical liar".

3 — Some brethren "depart from the faith" in putting the "church" in the recreation and social and entertainment business. A faithful brother points out that the church is a spiritual institution designed for the spiritual man. That it is the "pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:15); that the church is the "wisdom of God." (Eph. 3:10.) The digressive brother begins to spread the lie that the opposing brother does not believe in working with "young people" and that he does not believe that members of the church can get together for a social affair. Of course, he knows that these are lies but he feels that he must offset the influence of the opposing brother.

4 — Other brethren, who feel that the church is NOT sufficient to do the work of the Lord without the aid of HUMAN INSTITUTIONS OR SOCIETIES, hear a loyal preacher teach that We are to "glorify God in the church" (Eph. 3:21.), and that there is "one body" (Eph. 4:4-5); that there should be no adjuncts nor "shedrooms" added to the church. Again the digressive brother knows that something must be done. And since he cannot find the scripture for the church taking money from the treasury and supporting HUMAN INSTITUTIONS TO DO THE WORK, he decides to ruin the influence of the opposition. He proceeds to tell all that his brother is "opposed to caring for orphans", "he wants to divide the church", "he is a trouble-maker and ought to be avoided", "He split the church at such and such place", etc. etc. He knows that these are all lies. He pretends that he is terribly hurt over the actions of the opposing brother. Hypocritical liar! Yes, indeed.

5 — Let some faithful brother begin to show that the scriptures teach that each congregation is autonomous and that each should be able to plan and execute her program of work without any need of consulting any other congregation. He may read such scriptures as 1 Peter 5:2; Acts 20:28 showing that elders' authority is limited to the "flock" which is among them. Therefore, no congregation has scriptural authority to plan a program of work which obligates OTHER churches to pay the bill. The "planning church" cannot act autonomously. She MUST consult with, and get the financial support of, other congregations. The "contributing churches" MUST accept and pay for the "planning churches" program. Such arrangement makes impossible congregational autonomy. This stirs the hypocritical liars to broadcast that such a brother is "opposed to preaching the gospel over the radio and television" or that he is "opposed to congregations cooperating".


Space prohibits our mentioning ALL the examples of hypocritical liars among us. They may be heard on every side. They especially rejoice in telling this lie, "There are only a FEW brethren who oppose the church supporting human institutions to do the work of the Lord". "There is just a hand-full of churches who hold to the position of the "Guardian Boys" (whoever that may be). I even read recently where the "anti's were on the decline". Those who tell these things know that they are lies. They pose as great Christians. Hence, they are hypocritical liars. This is the worse kind of liar. He should have a special place reserved in hell.