Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 16, 1959

About Preachers

Billy W. Moore, Harrison, Arkansas

Many people seem to think that a preacher should never speak words that might offend. This idea of a preacher has rapidly grown among members of the Lord's church. A preacher should preach in a "positive" manner visit the sick, call on the members, perform marriages, preach funerals, entertain, and build a reputation as a "nice gentleman", but refrain from speaking offensively.

Thank God there are still some who expect preachers to be otherwise. In the Arkansas Gazette, May 10, I read a letter in the "From the People" column which shows one man's opinion of preachers. When the writer spoke of preachers he said, "The Lord intended that his ministers be the most daring and courageous band of crusaders ever released upon the earth. Today they seem to follow the idea that nothing must be done that jars or offends. Everyone agrees that the world is upside down, but will someone please explain how it turned rightside up without someone getting offended."

The man was right when he said the Lord intended that his ministers be "daring and courageous". Jesus said "fear not man . . .", and further teaches that we should "preach the word, reprove, rebuke and exhort . . ", "earnestly contend for the faith . . ." The courage of Paul, Peter, James and John, along with many others, could be cited as examples for us. Yet many ministers of this day "seem to follow the idea that nothing must be done that jars or offends". Even some of the world are sick of preachers of the "soft soap", "cream puff", type, who lack courage and conviction, and are fearful of offending, but seek to be "well spoken of" by all men. Such men need to read Luke 6:26.

May God bless the faithful, loyal preachers, who are still willing to "contend for the faith", "reprove, rebuke and exhort", "speaking the truth in love," even though offenses may come, and may their tribe increase. To the preachers who are otherwise, may something happen that will bolster your faith, increase your courage, strengthen your conviction that you may come back to the old paths and stand as ministers of God must stand, without fear of men or loss of position.