Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 12, 1959
NUMBER 40, PAGE 4-5b

On Marrying A Catholic


It is all but useless to try to reason with a boy or a girl who is in love. "Love hath reasons of its own," and common-sense, logic, experience, and the accumulated wisdom of the ages seem but vain and foolish words to one who is in love. Perhaps it is better so. For if true love could be swayed and influenced to any marked degree by the opinions and judgments of others, it would be but a poor and weak vessel in which to venture out into the troubled waters of the matrimonial sea. To assure the best voyage across those turbulent depths, there must be an absolute confidence, an overwhelming certainty in the hearts of both parties that their love is great enough and strong enough to overcome every barrier, to conquer every difficulty. Here, the old, old adage of a wise man's advice to a prospective groom is forever the keynote to a happy marriage. Said he, "Do not marry the girl, lad, because you feel like you can live happily with her; marry her because you KNOW you can not live without her!"

The nature of true love being what it is, the necessity of a calm and careful study of every possible marriage partner before love enters the picture is all the more imperative. After love comes, it is too late then for objective judgment!

We publish herewith the "Ante-Nuptial Contract And Promises" which must be signed by both parties in any marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic. We urge all Christian parents to preserve this issue of the Gospel Guardian, and cause your teen-age sons and daughters to read this "contract" over and over again, to think upon it, to go through it line by line, sentence by sentence — and then to realize that the surest way not to become involved in any romance calling for such a document is to make it a solid and never-broken rule NOT to date a Catholic boy or girl! Here is the contract:

Ante-Nuptial Contract And Promises

To be signed in duplicate in the presence of the priest by the parties entering a mixed marriage, and by two witnesses.

To be signed by the Non-Catholic party

"I, the undersigned, not a member of the Catholic Church, wishing to contract marriage with the Catholic party whose signature is also hereinafter affixed to this mutual agreement, being of sound mind and perfectly free, and only after understanding fully the import of my action, do hereby enter into this mutual agreement, understanding that the execution of this agreement and the promises herein contained are made in contemplation of and in consideration for the consent, marriage and consequent change of status of the hereinafter mentioned Catholic party, and I, therefore hereby agree:

1. That I will not interfere in the least with the free exercise of the Catholic party's religion;

2. That I will adhere to the doctrine of the sacred indissolubility of the marriage bond, so that I cannot contract a second marriage while my consort is still alive, even though a civil divorce may have been obtained;

3. That all the children, both boys and girls, that may be born of this union shall be baptized and educated solely in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, even in the event of the death of my Catholic consort;

4. That I will lead a married life in conformity with the Law of God and the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding birth control, realizing fully the attitude of the Catholic Church in this regard;

5. That no other marriage ceremony shall take place before or after this ceremony by the Catholic priest.

"In testimony of which agreement, I do hereby solemnly swear that I will observe the above agreement and faithfully execute the promises therein contained, and do now affix my signature in approval thereof."

Signature of the non-Catholic party__________________________


City or Town______________________________

To be Signed by the Catholic Party

"I, the undersigned, a member of the Catholic Church, wishing to contract marriage with the non-Catholic party whose signature is affixed above to this mutual agreement, being of sound mind and perfectly free, and only after understanding fully the import of my action, do hereby enter into this mutual agreement, understanding that the execution of this agreement and the promises therein contained are made in contemplation of and in consideration for the consent, marriage and consequent change of my status, and I, therefore, hereby agree:

1. That I shall have all my children, both boys and girls, that may be born of this union, baptized and educated solely in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. I understand that in case of my death, or in the event of a dispute, this covenant and promise will be faithfully executed;

2. That I will practice my Catholic religion faithfully and will strive especially by example, prayer, and the frequentation of the Sacraments, to bring about the conversion of my consort;

3. That I will lead a married life in conformity with the Law of God and the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding birth control, realizing fully the attitude of the Catholic Church in this regard.

"In testimony of which agreement, I do hereby solemnly swear that I will observe the above agreement and faithfully execute the promises therein contained, and do now affix my signature in approval thereof."

Signature of the Catholic party____________________________


City or Town____________________________________

Signed in the presence of:____________________________

Witness__________________ Witness____________________

I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the parties whose signatures are affixed to the above agreement and promises appeared before me personally on the given date, and fully understanding the import and meaning of the aforementioned agreement and promises, freely entered into this agreement and signed the above in my presence.



(Two copies of this form should be filled in and sent to the Chancery. One copy, when duly signed, dated and sealed by the Chancellor, will be returned to the priest to be kept in the parish archives; the other copy will be retained in the Chancery. Please use typewriter if possible.)