Another Worker For Norway
Not long ago two articles by Connie W. Adams and myself appeared in the Guardian. These were written in an effort to stir up more interest in the work in Norway. In answer to these articles, Bill Pierce of Hillsboro, Ohio writes that he and his wife plan to come to Bergen in June of '59. This is about six months away. This seems like a long time to us but to Bill and Mary it will be six short months. They will be very busy making arrangements for the trip. One of the most time consuming matters will be making arrangements for their support and travel expenses.
It is our pleasure to know this couple personally and we believe that they are deserving of your help. We believe them to be sound in the faith with a desire to work in places where they are needed. This desire has caused him to do most of his preaching in Wilmington and Hillsboro, Ohio. Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weaver of Fulton, Arkansas. They attended Freed-Hardeman College and it was there that they became acquainted with one another.
Brethren, you were very helpful to me and my family when we made preparation to come to Norway. We have not suffered from lack of financial support. Letters from many of you indicate that you are willing to help more if the need arises. At the present our greatest need is more workers. The Adams family plans to return to the states the first of September. If more workers do not come we will be left alone. While we have no fear of being alone, we sorrow at the thought of the work that will go undone. These workers can come in June and be well introduced to the work by the time the Adams family leaves. Will you make a special effort to help them come? If you know of someone else who might help, will you pass the word on to them?
Their address is: Bill Pierce, 113 South Elm Street, Hillsboro. Ohio. If you can help, do so now. Do not wait until he has had to travel hundreds of miles begging for help.