Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 4, 1958

The Third Epistle Of Paul To The Corinthians As Some Would Have It

Warren R. Cheatham, Santa Ana, California

Paul, once an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the church at Corinth, with all your institutions: Peace of mind to you and all the brethren, wherever they may be.

This epistle is to enlighten you concerning the present trend among brethren about an outside institution to do the work that God intended the church to do.

I realize that your minds have been directed along the lines of local autonomy but since this development a change is in order.

Try to forget what you have learned of me when I passed through and demanded that you send your men to bring your bounty, and from now on you can put every thing in one ox-cart, which will be supplied by headquarters.

This will eliminate a lot of muss and fuss and you folks will be free at all times to raise the money and headquarters will pick it up.

The first method was not nearly fast enough, but now we can be ready to do big things in a big way. We'll show these people that have opposed us what we can do when we take things into our own hands.

If you are figuring on an orphan home there in Corinth you had better get it under way, or you will have to send every dime you get over to Galatia and Ephesus. Galatia is in full operation already and is sending invitations to all the churches, trying to induce them to send their orphan children, with enough money to support them, to her and they have promised to do the churches' work. This did not exactly suit Ephesus so she is building a beautiful plant, which will house some 100 children. I do hope God will bless them both in their human arrangements. This may seem new to you but it has been in the minds of some ever since the church began. The only reason that Jerusalem did not send to other churches when her widows were in need is that there were no others. Anyone can see that.

This principle will apply in every type work. The churches must no longer depend on themselves as a local congregation, but rather tie themselves together.

There is a great advantage for all the members to be governed by one headquarters on earth. When one falls they all fall. After all, would you feel right in heaven, if some of the brethren went to hell?

I beseech you, therefore, to start a school there and invite all the young people to attend. The ones that come will see that it is a very good work and will entice their congregations to send support to you, and the time is short, for you will live to see Corinth sending out all the gospel preachers.

After all Corinth is a large city and you may as well receive recognition. This will be an excellent way to get the infidels in Corinth to take notice. You may not convert a soul but a few will join the ranks anyway. They also may help a little financially.

In the first letter I warned you about wearing the names of men: This you had better forget. Oh yes, I also warned about some who were steeped in sin and that you should withdraw from them; well this didn't work out so well, as many of the faithful members left us because of this action. You'll just have to put up with sin in the congregation. Those people have to live you know, and maybe some day they will turn from sin of their own accord.

The brethren who will not work need a place to live and you may take money from the treasury in order to feed them. You will need to appoint a committee of men to take care of all men who come by the church building for money. If the preacher can't be there all the time, you will have to place a man there so these people will be able to get some support from the Lord's money. Some brethren have taught that the church could not feed an infidel: Brethren I beseech you to set up a soup kitchen and feed them all, or have I bestowed upon you labour in vain? If you feed everyone you will soon delete your funds, then you can beg other churches to help you because of your good work started and which you cannot now maintain.

Brethren, my heart's desire for Corinth is, to see a bigger and better building. You need a million dollar plant there, considering the size of the town. You will really draw a crowd if you'll get that done. Since you have been feeding the infidel you might as well beg them to help you.

In closing, and this is with my own hand, don't let anyone deceive you into believing that there are false teachers among us. You receive everyone who says he is a preacher, even if it means changing your mind from week to week. This business of not supporting a preacher just because he will not preach the truth has gone too far. Some of these men who have been turned out are bound to be good for something. Many of them are ruining us by starting their own churches. I beseech you, therefore, to stop this action.

You must be at peace regardless of price. If I get out of prison I'll come and see you, and one more letter like this and the Romans are sure to set me free.