"Like Unto A Grain Of Mustard Seed"
It was Jesus himself who likened the kingdom of heaven to a grain of mustard seed, "which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is less than all seeds; but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the heaven come and lodge in the branches thereof." (Luke 13:31,32.) We are happy to give space on this page to a report by Brother Connie W. Adams concerning his first year in Norway.
He went to that Scandanavian nation with no fanfare of trumpets, on publicity buildup, no blaring headlines either in the secular press or in the "brotherhood" papers. It was a quiet, purposeful, but unheralded effort to bring the gospel of Christ to a nation which had little or no knowledge of New Testament Christianity. To a brotherhood which has grown accustomed to the exaggerated claims of "5,000 Christians found in Russia," "30,000 Christians found in Germany," and "a half million Christians behind the Iron Curtain," the three souls baptized this first year in Norway may seem trivial indeed. But if the final judgment were set for tomorrow, and you had your choice of sharing the eternal destiny of the three Norwegians on the one hand, or the "5,000", the "30,000," or the "half a million" on the other hand, which would you choose?
Here Is Brother Adam's Report:
Review Of First Year In Bergen It seems only a short time since we came to Bergen. One year has passed and it is in order to glance backward long enough to get our bearings as we plan for the future. When we came there were no Norwegian members of the New Testament church. There was no place in which to conduct services. Nobody seemed to know exactly what the Lord's church really is, and many did not care to know. Finally, we secured a room in a hotel, employed an interpreter, purchased some ear phones and announced in the papers that we would conduct a gospel meeting. To our delight several came, some of whom are still coming regularly. A beginning was made.
During this first year 3 precious souls have obeyed the gospel. To this time they are zealous and faithful, and show evidence of spiritual growth in several ways. One of these, Dag Bjornstad, plans to preach the gospel to his own native people and has been studying to prepare himself. He speaks often and shows marked improvement every time. Sister Anstad is helping in our Bible class work by teaching the smaller children. Her husband is able to take a public part in the meetings by leading prayer, making announcements and serving at the Lord's table.
We have had a little better meeting place since May, although it leaves much to be desired. Because of the number of children now attending Bible school on Sundays, it has been necessary to obtain an additional room for that period. A work has been started among these children which we hope will produce fruit in the years ahead. We hope we can secure more adequate facilities before another year has passed.
The Lord's church is much better known in Bergen than it was a year ago. This is the result of extensive newspaper teaching and advertising, house to house tract distribution, advertising on the city busses, a newspaper debate with a state church priest, a public debate with the Christadelphians, and of course, many personal contacts. Attendance has varied through the year with our best and most consistent attendance coming in the past month.
Several fine people are doing the most serious thinking of their lives. Many hours have been spent in an effort to lead these to obedience. We have tried to follow up every lead. We have employed various methods of instilling the truth in the hearts of these who have become our good friends and the burden of our prayers.
Brethren in the States have responded wonderfully to our needs. Those who send our support, for the most part, have done so promptly. Most of these congregations have sent words of encouragement along with their checks. Various congregations and individuals have sent unexpected funds which have been put to work in the cause. Many brethren have written letters of encouragement. Many prayers have ascended in our behalf this past year. For all this support we are grateful.
As we face the future, we do so with faith and hope. The Mason Harris family has just arrived. He is a preacher of great ability and will serve the cause of truth well. Plans call for another family to come in June. We have made a start, sowed a considerable amount of seed, and look forward to a harvest in the coming months."