Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 20, 1958

God And Our Money

Bill Fling, Long Beach, California

I firmly believe that money has caused more dissention within the Lord's church and has been the cause for more souls to be lost than any other single thing. I Tim. 6:9,10 bears this out.

Because of this danger, God is definitely concerned about our money and our attitude toward it. I want to discuss this subject by starting with our money BEFORE WE GET IT and follow through with it until AFTER WE HAVE USED IT.

I. In obtaining our money, we must do so honestly. (Rom. 12:17.) Immoral, deceitful, or underhanded occupations are forbidden.

II. After earning our money honorably, we must use it properly. We read in the New Testament of Christians using their money for:

A. Maintaining a business enterprise. Acts 16, Lydia. Acts 18, Priscilla and Aquila

B. Paying taxes. Rom. 13:7

C. Providing for the family. I Tim. 5:8. This would include their education, recreation and medical needs as well as food and clothing.

D. Good Works. I Tim. 6:18, Eph. 4:28, Gal. 6:10, Lk. 10:29ff. It is not true that "everything we do must be done through the church", or "in the name of the church". The phrase "in the name of the church" is not found in New Testament, but in Matt. 10:42 we read of a drink of water being given "only in the name of a disciple". As a disciple, I must do good unto all men as I have opportunity.

E. In spending our money, we should maintain moderation. Phil. 4:5. Excessive luxuries and pleasure are sinful.

III. In using our money properly, we must give to the Lord liberally.

A. I Cor. 16:2, 2 Cor. 9:6,7 How much? No stipulated amount is commanded in the law of Christ. But I have never read in either the Old Testament or the New Testament where God ever commended or approved a percentage less than 10%. A saint who tries to get by for less is on dangerous ground. Most of us, I'm persuaded, should be giving MORE than 10%.

B. In financing the work of the church, we must follow the New Testament pattern. Such promotions for getting money as pie suppers, bazaars, rummage sales, or any such business schemes are without scriptural authority! So, we must give — not sell!

C. When we give, we give TO THE LORD — not just to the church.

1. The phrase, "giving to the church" is not in the New Testament.

2. Mal. 3:8 says they "robbed God" by not giving their tithes and offerings. The money supported the priests in God's work, but they were not giving to the priests primarily. They gave to God.

3. Heb. 7:8 refers to Christ, as our high priest, receiving tithes. When we give, we give TO THE LORD and our money then becomes "the Lord's money".

IV. After my money becomes the Lord's money:

A. I have no control over it. Acts 5:4. This is one essential difference between my money and the Lord's money.

B. It is in the Lord's treasury. I Cor. 16:2 Living Oracles translation: "putting it into the treasury".

C. It is under the stewardship of the elders of the church.

1. Acts 11:30, Tit. 1:7.

2. This excludes spending the Lord's money by majority vote, deacons' decision or givers' choice.

D. It must be spent by the elders ONLY for things authorized in the New Testament blueprint. Surely, if we must follow the New Testament in getting the Lord's money, we must follow the pattern for spending the Lord's money. See Heb. 8:5.

1. The work of the church is threefold:

a. Evangelism. I Tim. 3:15; 1 Cor. 9:14.

b. Benevolence to saints. Rom. 15:26, I Cor. 16:1.

c. Edification. Eph. 4:11-14.

2. This excludes using the Lord's money for social halls, tennis courts, gymnasiums and ALL SUCH ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES. They are not the Lord's work in any sense of the term and, hence, not worthy of the Lord's money.

3. The work of the church is to be done by the church. Therefore the Lord's money cannot be donated to a human institution to do the church's work. According to Eph. 3:21 "unto him be glory IN THE CHURCH" — not a substitute society. In doing the work of the Lord, there is no substitute for the church of the Lord.

4. The elders' oversight of the Lord's money extends only to the funds of the church where they are elders. Acts 20:28; I Pet. 5:1-3. New Testament churches did their own work and New Testament elders spent their own funds — and this was according to apostolic instructions.

Conclusion: Each Christian must earn his money honestly, spend it properly, and give to the Lord liberally. Each eldership must then get the Lord's money scripturally and spend it only for the legitimate work of the church. When these principles are observed faithfully, God will be glorified "in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages".