Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 16, 1958

The Height Of Something Or Other

Below is a copy of the body of a form letter sent out on letterheads of the Ayers St. church in Corpus Christi, Texas. Leonard Mullen is the "Minister." It is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read and it shows how foolish brethren can get in their efforts in unscriptural endeavors. Read it.

to all young people in the corpus christi area by way of introduction, i am rusty roach and i live in the office of the ayers street church building. this is probably the first letter you've ever received from a roach, but everyone else is so busy around here that i have to come to the rescue and, by staying up to the wee hours of the morning after everyone else is gone, i am going to write a most important letter to you.

if your wondering how a roach can type, let me say it's not easy. i have to climb up on the typewriter, jump, and land on the correct key — then crawl back up again and jump on the next key. please excuse my lack of capital letters as it is impossible for me to land on both the shift key and the letter key at the same time.

what i really want to do is to urge everyone to work up a special song for the area-wide young people's meeting to be held at ayers street june 26. i just love to hear the young people sing and although i will not be seen, i just want to sit in my dark closet and listen.

these humans here in the office usually send out notices, but i want to make sure everyone has plenty of time to work up a special song. so by staying up late and typing this notice, i know you won't let all my jumping go for nothing.

Bring A Special Rusty Roach