Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 16, 1958

Jakim And Kareah

Thomas B. Warren, Fort Worth, Texas

(Editor's note: In 1954 Brother Thomas B. Warren ran a series of articles in the Gospel Gaurdian under the above title. These articles showed clear understanding of the New Testament teaching on the independency and equality of scriptural congregations. Herewith we present the fourth in that series of articles — as revised and brought up to date AFTER Brother Warren's "change". The re-write man is Lloyd Moyer, El Cerrito, California.)

KAREAH: "Well, well, my good friend and brother from Jerusalem; How are you, JAKIM, and what brings you to Thyatira? I don't believe that you have ever visited our humble city before."

JAKIM: "Hello, Brother KAREAH: it is good to see you! Yes, this is my first visit to Thyatira, and I am here only because of a very important mission upon which the elders at home have sent me."

KAREAH: "It must be an important mission to bring you to a city so far from Jerusalem. Pray inform me of your 'mission'."

JAKIM: 'I would like to have an audience with the elders

here. We have a great opportunity in Jerusalem."

KAREAH: "Well, why don't you go ahead and take advantage of it? Why come down here to us?"

JAKIM: "Because it is too big for us."

KAREAH: "Well, that is a different matter. Tell me more about Jerusalem's plans".

JAKIM: "We have an opportunity to sign a contract to preach the gospel over almost every radio and television station in the entire Roman Empire!"

KAREAH: "That sounds like a very good idea."

JAKIM: "I am happy to see you take such an attitude, KAREAH. You used to be "critical of the plans that really get something done." At one time you opposed "any scheme which 'ties up' the brotherhood with one eldership."

KAREAH: "Yes, Jakim, I have changed. I now stand ready to 'defend' what I once 'opposed'. I have studied the matter for many months. I have privately debated the question with an able brother and we are convinced that our argument 'proves that such cooperation is scriptural'."

JAKIM: "Wonderful, KAREAH! You used to do nothing but 'quibble'. You used to talk about how 'God is interested in the HOW as well as the WHAT.' I am happy that you have studied your way out of "anti-ism." I assure you that you will never regret it. And 'I assure you that this work will be entirely scriptural since it will be under the oversight of the elders of the congregation at Jerusalem."

KAREAH: "By the, way, what is this project to cost?"

JAKIM: "Oh, not so much. Only a million and four hundred thousand drachma."

KAREAH: "That is quite a sum but it can be raised. Surely the brotherhood will furnish the money for 'this plan.' But I am just wondering if you brethren are proceeding on scriptural grounds?"

JAKIM: "We are trying to KAREAH, but would appreciate any suggestion from you. We realize that many mistakes will be made. I would like to know more about the results of your studies."

KAREAH: "Well, JAKIM, I just wondering if you brethren in Jerusalem realize 'the existence of a need in a field to which the churches sustain the same relationship?"

JAKIM: "Yes, I am quite sure we do. It is pretty well agreed that the field of gospel preaching is open to every congregation. But what are you driving at?"

KAREAH: "You will see in a minute. I next want to ask if the Jerusalem elders have "assumed" the 'oversight' of the work that is proposed?"

JAKIM: "Yes, I suppose so. But what does that have to do with it?"

KAREAH: "Just this. That makes the work 'peculiarly and exclusively' the work of the Jerusalem church." JAKIM: "That sounds good, KAREAH, but I still don't see the point."

KAREAH: "You will. The total accomplishing of this work exceeds the ability' of the Jerusalem church. The Jerusalem church is unable to do its own work'."

JAKIM: "Say, you must have REALLY studied this matter."

KAREAH: "Wait a minute, JAKIM. I'm not through yet. You can now see that other congregations 'may send funds' to Jerusalem to be used by Jerusalem 'in the accomplishing of that work.' You cannot deny a single 'element' that I have advanced. They are all scriptural and everybody knows that 'all total situations the constituent elements of which are scriptural are total situations which are scriptural."

JAKIM: "Now, why didn't I think of that? That is the best argument I have heard 'in twenty-five years' and 'in over a hundred debates'. However, there is one point I would like for you to clear up for me. You say that other churches "MAY send funds" to Jerusalem to be used in accomplishing that work. It seems to me that when a church is "UNABLE TO DO ITS OWN WORK" it then becomes obligatory upon sister congregations to help her. Does your argument make it obligatory upon the churches to 'send funds' to Jerusalem for this proposed work?

KAREAH: "Now, there YOU go 'quibbling.' You are trying to put two of the 'elements' together but the argument 'must be met by attacking the 'constituent elements' one at a time."

JAKIM: "Oh, yes, yes, I see. Well, I just wanted to know. I must be going now. I must see the elders here and then head for Philadelphia. I hear that some of the brethren there are opposed to our plans. I am anxious to put your argument before them."

KAREAH: "The best of luck to you, JAKIM. Some of the brethren at Philadelphia would 'cut out every single bit of cooperation between churches'."

JAKIM: "Yes, I know, KAREAH, I'll suggest to the churches that they use you in meetings, lectures and debates."