Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

There Is A Difference!

Warren R. Cheatham, Santa Ana, California

Looking to the world we see many types of kingdoms and governments. All kingdoms that have existed on the earth have had in them some things to be desired, some things to be feared, and in them all, we see many things that are contrary to their subjects. In viewing the governments of the world we will not overlook the republic, the democracy, the dictatorship or the monarchy. In this particular article we want to note a few of the differences between the kingdom of God and every other kingdom in the world.

No Earthly King

JESUS on one occasion when the people tried to crown him King escaped out of their hand. (Jno. 6:15.) Almighty God never meant for Jesus to be a king in the flesh, sitting on an earthly throne. The Son of God had no intention in himself and no authority for this type of kingship. The pious Jews could not understand his refusal of this great honor and many rejected him because of his manifested attitude. Every other ruler on earth, whether inherent or by conquering, had looked forward with anxiety to the time when he could sit on his throne and enjoy his place in power. Every earthly power had feared death and realized that his work was in jeopardy when death occurred. Not so with the son of God; for He must die before he could come into his power, and even then He would not be an earthly King. This was different from any other kingdom that ever existed in this world.

Not Of This World

On another occasion Jesus told Pilate "That His kingdom was not of this world". (Jno. 18:36.) He did not deny that he was to have a kingdom, nor did he deny that he was King over it, but his words are still with us — "It is not of this world — Not from hence". What is this? reasoned the Jews, a kingdom that is not of this world, though in the world, with a king that refused to be crowned king in the flesh, and would not reign before He died? This was too much for the proud Jew, who had become so much like the Roman to count every man lower than self. What good is a kingdom that is not of the world? What will it benefit? What glory can man have in this type of kingdom? Nothing like this had ever happened before. Truly this kingdom was different from every kingdom in the world...

No Geographical Boundaries

Now we look to another aspect of this great kingdom. It was to have no geographical boundaries. In Jno. 4:22-24, Jesus said, "The hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father — God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Indeed, his kingdom had no special place of worship. Even in our great America when a citizen is asked about the government, we must reply — "Part of it is here in Santa Ana, another part in Sacramento, and still more in Washington D. C. and even more with our president, the first man of our country." It takes a lot of doing to see all of our government, in its every phase and activity. But when one inquires of the kingdom of God a Christian can answer immediately that all that can be seen is here in Santa Ana. The Head, Jesus Christ, is at the right hand of God, but all that can be seen must be in the worshipers of God.

This can and must take place in any given community. Jesus said, "The kingdom is within you". Many of the Jews could not perceive this, and many rejected Christ because of this phase of the kingdom of God. They in their finite minds had to have a central meeting place, and central control, with a central boss, where prestige could be had and glory could be taken. But the Jews were not alone in their thinking, for we have many today who are following in their foot-steps. Some have come to believe that we cannot operate without a central headquarters. Being of this nature impugns the mind of God. Brethren, we must be content with the kingdom as God gave it. It is different from any other form of government in the world.

Will Last Forever

Our last point of discussion in this article is that it will last forever. Isaiah 2:2, and Daniel 2:44 prophesied hundreds of years before this came to pass that it would be. Then the writer of Hebrews in chapter 12:28 said, "Wherefore we received a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear." The Jews had seen kings rise and fall. Even in their history we see the rise and fall of many in Israel. The God given Judges were replaced with a king that the people had asked for. They had witnessed the rise and fall of them all and finally had witnessed the fall of even that kingdom. Could they bear this language, "A KINGDOM SHALL LAST FOREVER"? The answer is easy, NO, and many stumbled because of it. But brethren, are the Jews the only ones? NO INDEED! For many today are not content with the everlasting kingdom and even deny that it can do its God given work. It is different from any kingdom that had gone before or that had come after.


Seeing this different kingdom, let us resolve to be upright in it, and content to do what God has said. Let us honor the King that sits at the right hand of God and never look for an earthly king. In the kingdom of God, which is not of this world, let us stop trying to make it like this world. Be content with what God has given us and be not like the nations about us. Stop trying to centralize control and accept the Lord Jesus Christ and his answer when He told us it would have no geographical boundaries. Last, believe God when he tells us His kingdom will last forever. Be not weary in well doing, serve Him in the everlasting kingdom, and work with a Christian hope.