Fleshly Appetites And Sanctified Money
Several months ago, I wrote an article pertaining to the titled idea. It appeared first in the Gospel Guardian and later in the Apostolic Voice. That article had to do with a $100,000 structure recently completed by the 6th and Izzard Sts. church in Little Rock, Arkansas, Cleon Lyles, minister. (Please read that article, G. G. pg. 779) That building, which was instigated and built under the guise of an "educational building" turned out to be a "recreation hall," with "banqueting tables for 200 people," with kitchen facilities, a chapel for 200 with projection room, etc., and, a little more class room space. The original $300,000 church edifice had class room facilities for 800 and the average attendance now is about 650.
The first attempt by Brother Lyles to answer that article was a selection in his bulletin from a Lubbock source, and surely Lubbock is a good place to go for such authority. But the writer's attempt at that time was to try to prove that there is nothing sacred about a church building and that we do not sin by eating in it. He used the "love feasts" and quoted from the "Antiquities" of the early centuries to make his point. That effort was useless and ridiculous in that I know of no one who does think that the building is sacred and that we would sin just by merely eating in it. So it was wasted effort. (By the-Way, Cleon cut me off his mailing list after that.)
But when my article appeared in the Apostolic Voice, which has a pretty good circulation in Little Rock, Cleon himself took sword in hand to lop off the head of the intruder. His effort appeared in the August 12 Firm Foundation. (Read it please.) Yes, read it carefully and see if you can find just one scripture, or just a portion of one scripture, as authority for what the church in L. R. has done. Search diligently and all you will find is an article dealing with an unknown personality, which is actually Bob Craig, and who, Cleon says, is inconsistent. Now just suppose Cleon is right and that Craig is the most inconsistent fellow on the face of the earth! Does that make the 6th & Izzard church right in what they have done? You who think, know better than that.
But, is Bob Craig inconsistent? An inconsistent fellow is one who says one thing and practices another. What I did even yesterday, if it was wrong and I became aware of it, I will not do today. Cleon seemingly has the Catholic idea that the doing of a thing over a long period of -time becomes authority for the continuing of the practice. But let's look at some of Cleon's misrepresentations, and some. I believe, are willful.
He says that the old 4th and State building, the forerunner of the present 6th and Izard building, when bought, had a. banquet room and they "used it constantly." Both of these allegations I deny. The room he is talking about was originally used as an assembly room for the Bible classes. I can vividly remember Floyd Sharp calling out the class numbers, and then recording on a blackboard the totals. Ask Floyd or any of old Brother Brewer's children or grandchildren about that? Part of the time E. R. Harper was with 4th and State, the same room was used as a large class room in particular for an evening young people's class. Harold and Louis Sharp have made many a talk there. Ask them.
He tells about certain things taking place while I was a member there. Cleon knows that I was never a member of the 4th and State church while he was there. Several years before Brother Harper left, I had begun to work and worship with the old 12th and Thayer church. Ask Brother Harper. When Cleon came I was preaching for the Oak Grove church, then Mabelvale, and later, South Highland.
Yes, I ate in their building. Cleon leaves the impression that it was a regular, constant affair. But he has completely misrepresented that I ate there twice. And on both occasions we scrapped together some tables (none were furnished for the purpose of banqueting) and we paid 100% for everything that was used in those meals. Not one cent was taken out of the treasury for that purpose. Perhaps I was inconsistent right then, but all that was admitted in my first article. I didn't try to hide it. In fact, I said in that article, that it shouldn't have been done.
He also asks: "When did this writer decide that it was wrong to have a place for fellowship." I never have thought that that was wrong, Cleon, and never shall. But you need to learn what Bible fellowship is. Bible fellowship never was, is not now, and never will be, BANQUETING TOGETHER. (1 John 1:7.)
He gives me no credit at all for any conviction of my own, but implies that I just parrot Roy Cogdill. Remember this, Cleon: YOU are the one who brought Roy and me together. YOU introduced us. YOU helped influence me to come to Texas and help in the publishing of the Bible Banner and later the Gospel Guardian. Roy and I stood on the same ground then, before I moved to Texas to be with him. In fact, that's the reason you thought we might get together and that's the reason he wanted me to work with him and that's the reason I was agreeable. Remember? Roy and I agreed when we were FIRST INTRODUCED by YOU. Yes, all three of us were in agreement then, at least we were on the surface. But, you were in a fight with Harper right then and evidently you, thought you "might use Banner and Guardian to further your cause; but when you had that fight won, we were no longer necessary, so you cancelled Roy and marked me off your list, along with others who had stood by you.
You haven't changed, you say! All right, let's assume that you haven't. That means that back there you were just playing the hypocrite. And I believe that you still are, because now you're willing to sleep in the same bed with Harper. Watch out, Brother Harper. Remember, Cleon never changes, so he must feel the same toward you that he always has.
One thing more. Cleon says that the first building program (6th and Izzard) "could not (my emphasis — BC) include a kitchen." Do you remember why, Cleon? Wasn't it because there were men who fought it out then? Most are gone from there now. Some have died. Some have changed. And you said that you opposed it then, Cleon. Ask Horace Wilson.
Someone may say now.. "but you haven't given a scripture to prove that it's wrong," Well, I don't have to.
They are the ones who introduced this innovation; let them give their authority for it. I can give authority for everything I am practicing in religion today. They must do the same, and their authority must not be tradition, antiquities or MY so-called inconsistency. Remember that and meet the issue.