Is Masonry A Religion?
When talking to someone in the Methodist church, I do not talk about what they individually believe, but that which the church teaches of which they are members. For example, the individual may not believe sprinkling is all right for baptism, but the Methodist church does. Therefore, they are building on the wrong foundation and should change and build on the true foundation, "Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone."
When talking to you as Masons, I do not do so in view of your belief about the Masonic Lodge, but that which the Lodge itself teaches and Masonic historians have spoken. For example, you may not believe the Masonic order to be a religion, but quotations of Masonic source have been to the contrary.
I find today that many, many men and women of the Lord's church are also engaged in work for organizations of the Masonic Lodge. The purpose of this article is only to quote from Masonic sources and ask some questions for your careful consideration of these matters. I believe all Masons are intelligent, sincere people. Therefore, I believe they can see the difference in the answers they give to the following questions.
The following quotations are found in the book, Symbolism of Freemasonry, pages 330, 331, and 361.
"DARKNESS: It denotes falsehood and ignorance and was a very universal symbol among the nations of antiquity."
"DESIGN OF FREEMASONRY: It is not charity or alms giving. Nor the cultivation of the social sentiment; for both of these are merely incidental to its organization. But it is the search after truth, (Eph. mine, CRM.) and that truth is the unity of God, and the immortaility of the soul."
"TRUTH: The search for it is the object of Freemasonry. It is never found on earth, but a substitute for it is provided." (Eph. mine, CRM.)
The apostle Paul said, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Gal. 1:8.) Can one substitute anything for the truth of God without sinning ? "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." (John 17:17.) Is the truth of God not found on earth as this quotation says? If not, how can we be sanctified, or set apart to serve the Almighty? Does Masonic writings thus far contradict God's word?
"Masonry, then is indeed, a religious institution," but "the religion of Masonry is not sectarian... it is not Christianity." (Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 619.)
The Masonic Lodge is built and governed by this book. Do you believe its contents? You may not believe Masonry to be a religion, but the laws of the Lodge itself teach it is just that.
"To require that a candidate profess faith in the divine authenticity of the Bible . . . is a serious innovation in the very body of Masonry .. it is anti-masonic to require any religious test other than the candidate should believe in a God. (Emp. mine, CRM.) the Creator and Governor of the Universe." (Chase's Digest of Masonic Law, page 206.)
Again Paul said, "One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." (Eph. 4:6.) Do you believe in a God, or the God? This idea is extended in Mackey's Enclyclopedia of Freemasonry, page 409, after this manner:
"GOD: A belief in the existence of God is an essential point of Speculative Freemasonry — so essential, indeed, that it is a landmark of the Order that no Atheist can be made a Freemason. Nor is this left to an inference; for a specific declaration to that effect is demanded as an indespensable preparation for initiation. Hence, Hutchinson says that the worship of God 'was the first and cornerstone on which our originals thought it expedient to place the foundation of Masonry.' (Emp. mine, CRM.) The religion of Freemasonry is cosmopolitan, universal; but the required belief in God is not incompatible with this universality; for it is the belief of all peoples. (Emp. mine, CRM.) 'Be assured,' says Godfrey Higgins, 'that God is equally present with the pious Hindu in the temple, the Jew in the synagogue, the Mohammedan in the mosque, and the Christian in the church.' (Emp. mine, CRM.) There never has been a time since the revival of Freemasonry, when this belief in God as a superintending power did not for a part of the system."
Can a Christian believe this? Do you? "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial?" (2 Cor. 6:14-15.) Do not say that Paul here had reference to marriage, for such unequal yoking as is under consideration here, is just what he had in mind. Can a Christian be equally yoked with a Mohammedan in his religion, or the Jew in his, or the Hindu in his?
I personally, can only base my ideas of other organizations being right or wrong by what they teach. I would not know Methodism wrong unless they teach me they believe something not authorized by Jehovah. I can only believe Masonry wrong because of the teaching by Masons, contrary to God's law. Can one afford to do otherwise?
If our souls are at stake by believing sprinkling acceptable to God, why would not they be at stake believing other religions are acceptable with Him? Think on these things!