Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 19, 1950

The Overflow

F. Y. T.

Life And Death

It was the Sunday night before Christmas. Paul and Ruth Broadus and four or five children were driving from St. Louis, Missouri, to St. Charles, where the oldest child in the family, Edwin, was to preach that night. Out of the darkness a hurtling car, completely out of control, and coming at high speed, crashed head-on into the Broadus car, killing Sister Broadus instantly, and injuring Brother Broadus so seriously that he died two days later. As the sun sank on Monday afternoon, Paul regained consciousness for a few hours. Told of the death of his wife, he said simply, "No flowers for her funeral, please. Let all who loved her, and want to send her flowers, send the money instead to the orphan home at Wichita (Maude Carpenter Children's Home)." Thirty hours later Paul followed his beloved Ruth into the vale of whence none returns. And his father, Otis Broadus, for many years an elder in West Douglas Church at Wichita, Kansas, spoke through his tear s, "No flowers for Paul, please. Let all who loved him send the money they would have spent for flowers to the home for orphan children." We take off our hat to the memory of a great Christian who, even in the hour of death, could think not of his own grief nor of his own suffering, but rather of the needs of helpless children. And we take off our hat, too, in respect to a heart-broken father who, watching his son die, could think not of his own loss, but rather of the needs of others.

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Jackson, Mississippi

About three or four years ago, the Central Church in Jackson, Mississippi, issued an appeal for help to buy and renovate a fine old church building in that town. Some help was given; but the real burden of that work was borne by the families right in that church. Today, so short a time after, Central church is rapidly forging ahead as one of the strongest and most active churches in the south. Another milestone was passed this month, when Central church employed another full time preacher to work in some needy field. Examples of this kind serve to compensate in a measure for the many disappointments brethren experience when they spend thousands of dollars on some project, only to find they have weakened and destroyed the independence of some struggling congregation. The writer knows personally of the sacrifices the Jackson brethren have made, and he believes there are few congregations in America that have equaled it. We shall continue to watch with interest the growing power and influence of this fine church.

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Debate With Brewer? Well, Maybe

We are still negotiating for that discussion with Brother G. C. Brewer. And we feel that definite progress is being made. One proposition has been agreed upon tentatively. We are seeking now to reach agreement on another, which will definitely pinpoint the discussion on the question of the churches' right to support the schools out of their budgets or treasuries. We'll report when, as, and if progress is made.

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Misuse Of A Passage

"One of the most common errors among preachers of the churches of Christ undoubtedly stems from a zealous desire to uphold the Bible as the only source of authority in religious matters. (One) passage misused is the last part of Romans 14: 23. All too frequently the argument made goes about like Charles L. Heron's in "The Blood of Christ" (Gospel Guardian, December 8)"

Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Faith comes by hearing... the word of Cod. Therefore, whatsoever a man does that is not endorsed by the word of God is sin." Certainly, whatsoever a man does that is not endorsed by the word of God is sin, but Romans 14:23 doesn't say so! (In this passage) Paul is speaking of the man who does something about which he doubts. He sins because he thinks he may be sinning, but goes ahead anyway. He sins because he is not convinced that the thing he is doing is right."

—James W. Rushing, Overton, Texas

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Thanks—and Keep It Up

To all those loyal friends and supporters who sent in new subscribers during our subscription drive, we say, "Thanks." But don't let your help cease merely because the drive is over. Everywhere we go people tell us they enjoy and appreciate the paper; well, the best way on earth to show your appreciation is by getting additional subscribers. How about it?

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Here We Go Again!

Say... maybe we've been missing out on something good; at least, there must be money in it. We're talking about this book club idea. Comes now an advertisement from Benjamin C. Goodpasture that he is about to start some kind of club or other and republish the Millennial Harbinger. Seems John Allen Hudson really got something started when he had the idea of bringing out some of the hard to get pioneer publications. Both Eugene Smith and B. Cordell Goodpasture (a gentleman who is not widely known as a backer of ventures in which there are no dollars) have jumped on the bandwagon. We haven't seen price lists yet to compare things, but we're still guessing Hudson will be the lowest priced producer in the field. More power to all of you, gentlemen. Let the clubs (book clubs, that is) swing high. Maybe someday these fine old pioneer publications will at last be within the reach of the average under-paid preacher.

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Time Takes Her Toll

Every now and then the editor receives a letter from Jack Dunn of Shelbyville, Tennessee, containing some of his priceless jingles, which, he warns, "aren't suitable for publication," but which are merely sent for the editor's own enjoyment and entertainment. Some have accused us of having a perverted sense of humor (due, no doubt, to our immediate paternal ancestry); but, perverted or not, we found this tid-bit from Dunn rather chucklesome:

"Time was when she was young and thin,

And she sang of her consecration.
But now with age and a double chin
She praises her firm foundation."

The Bible contains all essential truth, but how can the student find what he wants when he wants it? The answer is Cruden's Complete Concordance, order today, $3.00.

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Hints For Travel

Through Acts with McGarvey, fare, 2.50.

Through Romans with R. L. Whiteside, fare 3.00.