The Overflow
A bunch of sissies?
A few weeks ago the Christian Leader published a picture of the people leaving Thayer Street Church (Akron, Ohio) at the close of a Sunday morning service. We counted at least thirty-four men in the picture—and not a single one of them had a cigarette in his mouth. What's the matter up there? Don't those brethren know it is customary (in some places, at least) to lay down a smoke screen before the front door after services? Have they lost their manhood? Are they a bunch of sissies, too panty-waist to puff the manly weed?
Preaching the gospel Item from the Houston Post: "Dr. George S. Benson, president of Harding College of Searcy, Ark. will speak in the Central Church of Christ auditorium at 8:30 p. in. Friday. His subject will be "What Is Happening to the American Dollar?" The church bulletin from central announced a buffet supper would be served in Fellowship Hall previous to the lecture, and that "Bro. Benson's talk will be non-religious in nature." Dr. Benson is a well known economist, and doubtless had some interesting and instructive things to tell about what is happening to the American dollar. But why stop with economics? There are several fine men in the church who are truly tops in their fields. Why not have them down to lecture on their specialties? If Central Church is interested in providing lecturers on various topics, why not have Byron Nelson down to give a lecture on golfing; and young Claude Jarman could probably fill the house with a lecture on "How To Be a Movie Star"; then Dr. W. W. Freeman of Commerce, Texas, is one of the best photographers in the country; why doesn't Central have him down to lecture on "Latest Methods in Color Photography? Really, the field is unlimited.
Life's darkest moment
"When the fellow you've been inviting to church for so many months finally comes, and then calls up the next day to find out why you weren't there."
Is there a right way?
In one of her columns not long ago, Dorothy Dix was asked by a bashful young swain, "What is the right way to ask a girl for a date?" To which she replied, "Son, if you like the girl, there just isn't any wrong way." Which reminds us of the comment of an elder not long ago that there just doesn't seem to be any right way to fire a preacher! He has a point. We find it difficult to think of a place where a preacher has been fired that did not suffer because of it. Yet, sometimes, there seems simply to be no alternative. Anybody have any suggestions on "the right way to fire a preacher"?
Due warning
"Have noted published announcement of your getting into the "fray" "maybe." Suggest you look well before you leap. . . This is one time, if you get into the "fray," you will find yourself on the defensive, and for your information, wish to advise that the "other papers" are about done with; therefore, you can get into the "fray" any time you see fit to do so." Since this brother's writings are featured in Frank Mullins' premillennial propaganda sheet from Dallas, we'll stand on our dignity (what there is of it) and not even publish his name in our paper!
What changes death doth bring Dying words of Voltaire, militant French atheist: "I am abandoned by God and man! I shall go to hell! 0 Christ, 0 Jesus Christ!" And Thomas Paine, author of the Age of Reason, as the death chill settled upon him cried out, "I would give worlds, if I had them, if the "Age of Reason" had never been published. 0 Lord, help me! Christ, help me! Stay with me! It is hell to be left alone!"
Well named anyhow In Vernon, Texas, the church on Peace (they spell it Pease) Street is starting a new congregation across town. The new building will be located on Paradise Street. Both churches are looking for preachers at this writing. If the church where you attend is always in a row about something, maybe Vernon is the place you are looking for.
"It seems to me that Brother G. K. (Wallace) in justifying an orphan home like the Maude Carpenter Home has by the same token justified the mission work that is being done through some of the larger churches. After all, preaching the gospel is, if anything, the primary work of the church, and benevolent work is secondary."
—Geo. True Baker, Kermit, Texas
"I have been the recipient of many issues of your propaganda sheet whereby everyone is bound for hell if they do not belong to your church, and I do not appreciate this type of advertising or religion in the least. The methods which you are using to try to build your church I think are damned deplorable."
—C. L. Barlow, Mineola, Texas
Masonry and the church We don't know how many of our readers are masons, but we do know that if any man puts masonry (or anything else) above the church, he is in need of teaching. Beginning in our issue of January 19, we will publish two or three articles on "Masonry and the Church." Our readers who are first Christians and then masons will appreciate and approve the articles; readers who are Masons first and then Christians will probably not like them. You can judge of your own position in the church by your reaction to the articles.
Concerning Douthitt's consistency
"And as for Brother Douthitt's anxiety for consistency on the part of brethren who do not use the Bible classes: to demonstrate his consistency, we shall expect to see in the Guardian—soon—a report that he invites every one in the 'candidates' age group to come into the dressing room and join in the good work, whenever he baptizes anybody."
--H. Norman Gipson, Amherst, Texas
As the years go by
"Come, Soul of mine, away from youth, Stretch toward that beck'ning height above.
With roots embedded in the truth, But seasoned rich with growing love Just like the Son- So, Soul of mine, grow deep in grace Wherein there is serenity, That one day thou mayest take thy place In spiritual maturity Beside the Son."
—Olin Caraway