Hoyt Bailey, 1924 W. Douglas, Wichita, Kansas: "Of the ten responding at West Douglas during the past four Sundays, a former Methodist and Lutheran were baptized, eight placed membership, three of these also confessed unfaithfulness. We have renewed our contract with station KANS, which will take us into the this 5,000 W. station. The broadcast is heard each Sunday at 8:a.m., 1480 on your radio dial.
Approximately 500 towns and cities, and thirty-two counties in Kansas are without the New Testament church. There is no large body of water between Texas and Kansas, but the people in Kansas need the gospel for the same reason that those across the water need it."
John H. Gerrard, 4401 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky.: "The work at West End is moving along nicely. Two recently placed membership with us. There is exceedingly good fellowship existing among the loyal churches in Louisville."
Hugh Boydston, 10524 Harry Hines, Dallas, Texas, December 19: "Three baptized yesterday at both services. Good attendance and offering. The congregation seems to be at peace.
I have time for some meetings not promised as yet. If you need me, call me."
Chas. M. Campbell, Brown St. Church, Akron, Ohio, December 13: "Three placed membership w it h Brown Street on December 4."
Forrest D. Moyer, Box 118, Post, Texas, December 12: "One was baptized last evening, and one came by membership last week."
Thompson-Yandell Debate.
Will M. Thompson, Anadarko, Okla., Box 195, December 13: "This debate is to be conducted either in Woodville or Porterville, Calif., beginning Monday night, February 27. General questions will be debated. I. W. Yandell has been the outstanding debater of Free Will Baptists for years. He is to their cause what Bogard has meant to Missionary Baptists. We anticipate great crowds at this debate. It is a pleasure to meet a representative man. I've met Yandell three times heretofore. On this trip, I'll conduct meetings at the places named. Oakdale, Calif., Woodville, and Van Nuys. Meeting begins February 17 at Oakdale. This is where I debated Ernest Crawford last March."
Wm. J. Shackelford, 323 W. Sherman, Neosho, Mo., December 9: "Closed a good meeting with Central Church, in Muskogee, Okla., on December 7, with two baptisms, and the finest outside interest. C. Ray Wood, of Muskogee, directed the singing. Rue Porter closed an excellent meeting here with three baptisms, and one restoration. Record-breaking crowds at every service accelerated our plans for a new building in the spring."
Hoyt Houchen, 2110 Lipscomb, Amarillo, Texas, December 13: "There have been forty-four responses at Central, 14th and Monroe, in the past three months. We averaged 486 in Bible classes during the month of November. Our budget for 1950 is $50,765.00."
Wilburn L. Fry, 2200 No. Oak Ave., Mineral Wells, Texas, December 5: "I have recently moved to Mineral Wells to begin work with the North Oak congregation. There is much to be done and we seek the prayers of Christians everywhere. I enjoy the paper a great deal and wish it continued success."
A. Chester Grimes, 2924 W. Bdwy. Muskogee, Okla., December 19: "Yesterday marked the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the West Side congregation, and the first anniversary of entrance into our new building.
Visitors from many congregations came to share with us this joyous occasion. A basket dinner was served in the basement and a special service was held in the afternoon. One came by transfer of membership at the morning worship hour, and two were baptized in the evening service."
Layton to Tucson, Ariz.
W. Wallace Layton, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.: "After nearly three years with this congregation, I will terminate my work here December 25. I go to Tucson, Ariz. to work with the Country Club congregation. My new address will be 1132 Columbia St., in Tucson.
This arrangement will give me more time to answer calls for meeting work. Am now in a position to spend at least half the year in meetings, preaching for the church in Tucson when not thus employed.
Our work here in Lawrenceburg has not been spectacular, but it has been sound and solid. It is a joy to leave a place with the love and good will of the eldership and all the faithful In this three-year period, we have had 123 baptisms, and have trained and developed and put into the field seven gospel preachers. We did not send these men to college but trained them locally as a feature of New Testament church work."
Ira A. Douthitt, Chattanooga, Tenn., December 5: "After two good services with the Brainerd Church, 4200 Brainerd Road, Chattanooga, Tenn., yesterday, and the fellowship of a fine congregation of good people with a going away party given for me, I am leaving Chattanooga today noon for New York City, where I will be joined by L. C. Anderson, of Nashville, Tenn., my traveling companion, sailing on S. S. Queen Elizabeth for Cherbourg, France. Touring the countries of Europe and across the Mediterranean into Egypt, where I will revisit the land of the Pharaohs and ramble among the Pyramids where Moses played as a boy.
Then across the Sinaiatic Peninsula to Amman, the capitol of Trans-Jordan—thence to Jerusalem where we expect to spend some time revisiting the places that are sacred to those who believe in the risen Christ. We will return by the way of Southampton, England, on the S. S. Queen Mary, in about three months. I earnestly solicit the prayers of my Christian friends while on this hazardous tour."
James P. Miller, Temple Terrace Station, Tampa, Florida., December 13:
"The last two meetings of the year were with the Kenmore congregation, in Akron, Ohio, and the church in Smyrna, Tenn. Charles 0. Hendershot preaches for the Kenmore Church, and is a conscientious coworker. He sees the needs of the western reserve and is doing all he can to develop a sound progressive program everywhere he goes. Five were baptized, including two ladies of the Roman Catholic faith, who came from England. There were some restorations.
James C. Bays preaches for the church in Smyrna. He is not only a sound, able preacher, but is outstanding in the influence he is exerting on young preachers in middle Tennessee. He has a clear conception of the great need for continued vigilance in contending for the faith. Six were baptized at Smyrna, with some restored.
This concluded almost nine months of meetings in nine states, with small churches and large. The new congregation in Mayfield, Ky., had only about twenty-five members, and yet under a tent and with loud speakers the audience numbered in the hundreds each night.
Robert T. Hollis gives his time and effort without pay to this new work. He is to be commended highly for his sacrifice to the cause."
F. C. C. ANNOUNCES LECTURE PROGRAM James R. Cope Outstanding preachers from various parts of the nation will appear as speakers on the fourth annual lecture program of Florida Christian College, February 13-17.
The general theme of the program will be "The Ancient Order." Beginning Monday evening, and continuing with speakers each period of the day, and with two speakers each night, the program will end Friday night, the 17th.
Among those appearing on the program are the following:
Earl West, Indianapolis, Ind.; Bond Stocks, Jackson, Miss.; C. A. Norred, Birmingham, Ala.; Eugene Cleven. ger, Hendersonville, Tenn.; V. P. Black, Mobile, Ala.; James P. Miller, Tampa, Fla.; L. R. Wilson, Bartles. ville, Okla.; B. C. Goodpasture, Nash. ville, Tenn.; Cecil Derryberry, Win. ston-Salem, N. C.; J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn.; Kenneth Adams, Parkers. burg, W. Va.; Gerald Montgomery, Detroit, Mich.; W. A. Cameron, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Tom Butler, Lake. land, Fla.; R. E. Henson, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; and D. Ellis Walker, Jack- , sonville, Fla.
In addition to these speakers, Pat Hardeman, youthful and brilliant instructor in Bible and Christian Evidences, will speak each day on "Modernism." A. W. Dicus, Dean of Florida Christian College, will speak one day on "God and Physics." Clinton D. Hamilton will discuss "The Political Theory of the Roman Catholic Church," and Bill Humble will have as his theme, "The Church Through the Ages."
The city of Temple Terrace, which Florida Christian College is located, has been gracious in granting us the use of its recreation building, the large auditorium of which will comfortably accommodate an anticipated overflow audience. All sessions of the program will be conducted in this auditorium.
Further announcement with details of the program will be made later.
Max L. Johnson, 410 S. College, Tahlequah, Okla., December 16: "I began work with the church here the first of December. The prospect for a good work here is encouraging.
One was baptized last Sunday evening, and one placed membership."
Brother Broaddus Passes The Gospel Guardian regrets very much to learn of the tragic death of Brother and Sister Paul Broaddus, of St. Louis, Mo., in a recent automobile accident. They were members of the Spring and Blaine Church. He was recently made district Superintendent of Sales of the Cook Paint Co. He was formerly an elder of Tenth and Francis Church, Oklahoma City, Okla. He also formerly lived at Topeka, Kans. He was the son of Otis B. Broaddus, who is an elder of West Side Church in Wichita.