Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 15, 1949


-W. E. Brightwell

Vaughn D. Shofner, 1506 Arnett St., Lubbock, Texas, November 30: "Bible school attendance at Southside showed a decline for November, dropping from 225 the previous month to 222. This is the first month of the year that an increase in this work was not experienced. Three have been restored, and one baptized recently."


A. Chester Grimes, 2924 W. Bdwy., Muskogee, Okla., November 29: "E. R. Harper, just closed a meeting with us, in which there were four responses. His excellent preaching did much to strengthen the church.

Recently I have preached in meetings in Houston, Texas; Paris, Ark.; Mulvane, Kan.; Hyde Park and Locust Grove, Okla.; and in an outdoor meeting here in Muskogee."


H. F. Sharp, Box 213, Blytheville, Ark., November 28: "Foy E. Wallace, Jr., will be here for a meeting December 11-18. He will speak over KLCN each day at 12:15, and on Sunday at 2:30-3:00."


C. H. Luster, 617 East 8th St., National City, Calif., November 30: "In November, two were baptized, and eight restored. Our services are well attended at all times and the future is encouraging."


Paul C. Keller, 1506 31st St., Sheffield, Ala., December 2: "I recently preached in a meeting with Central Avenue Church, Batesville, Ark. W. L. Danner led the singing. Six were baptized, and three restored. The basement for our new building at Eastside is nearing completion."


Fred W. McClung, Anson, Texas, November 27: "I resigned the work here at Westside in Corsicana to start work with the good church at Anson, Texas, the first Sunday in December.

Two baptized at Westside during last few weeks. We had one of the best services I was ever in this morning. We came to Westside to help them put over a building program. We moved from an old grocery store to one of the best and most beautiful church buildings in Corsicana. We believe the work is in good shape for the man following me."


Chas. Degenhart, Jr., 672 19th St., San Diego 2, Calif., November 29: "I am enclosing postal note for $2 for renewal of my subscription to the Gospel Guardian. It is already among the best of the brotherhood papers. It fills the need of a paper among us that will expose modernism and digression and even oppose it among the schools and churches. Indeed there is a great need of that on this West Coast.

I baptized one following our morning worship last Lord's day. During October I held good meetings at Mayo and Eagle Lake, Florida. Nine were baptized. I labored with the church at Eagle Lake in years gone by. Both meetings were well attended with several preachers being in our audiences. I preached in a six nights meeting as East Liverpool, Ohio, during the 1st week of November. Preachers and elders from various churches in that section attended. Walter Bankes is their preacher. A firm stand for the old paths on the part of their strong eldership and preacher insures a bright future in the Lord's work for that church.

During the month of September we had baptized three at Central, and during our absence one was restored, and one placed membership. The work was ably carried on by one of the young men of the group who had received his training in our men's training class.

We were saddened by the news of Brother Wallace's death. He will be greatly missed. We extend our sympathy to his loved ones.

I could preach in a meeting or two in this and near-by states. Address me as above."


Lusby-Pepper Debate Will M. Thompson.

"From November 21 to 24, J. P. Lusby engaged R. F. Pepper, Baptist, in a four nights debate at Wellington, Texas.

The subjects of baptism and apostasy were discussed. Brother Lusby affirmed on the subject of baptism, and Mr. Pepper affirmed on the impossibility of apostasy.

Pepper has conducted a number of debates, but this was Brother Lusby's first. Brother Lusby was equal to the occasion and this was a great surprise to Mr. Pepper.

Pepper's first speech on apostasy was the best speech he made during the entire debate. Brother Lusby's first reply seemed to paralyze Pepper, and he never did get over the effects of this speech.

The usual line of arguments were made by both men, that are presented on these subjects. One amusing thing was a question or rather some questions that were presented by Brother Lusby and Pepper's answers. I give them below.

1. In birth is man passive or active? Answer: He is passive.

2. In repentance and faith is man passive or active? Answer: Man is active.

3rd. Can one get into the Baptist Church without baptism? Answer: yes. At this point Brother Lusby showed from 1 Corinthians 12:13, "WE ARE ALL BAPTIZED INTO THE ONE BODY, and THE ONE BODY IS THE CHURCH. (Col. 1: 18.) Hence, the Baptist Church cannot be the church of the New Testament.

4th. Is man saved by a faith that obeys, or is it by faith only?

Answer: By faith only. Here Brother Lusby showed the conflict between Pepper and James, James 2:24.)

5th. Does one act only save men? Answer: "One act only, and that is faith." To this Brother Lusby said, "Then man was saved without repentance, according to Pepper."

These are only a few of the predicaments into which Pepper landed.

Large crowds were in attendance throughout the debate. Pepper suggested that the church buy 100 of my booklets, "Sixty-one Objections to the Baptist Church" and give them to the Baptists. The elders did this, and I sold 150 besides these. These booklets should be placed in the hands of Baptists that will read them. They are 25 cents per copy, 5 for $1.00, or 100 for $15.00. All orders should be sent to me, at Box 195, Anadarko, Okla.

Brother Lusby is to meet Pepper on General Questions some time next spring."


L. W. Jones, Box 43, Alto, Texas: "On November 15, I finished a meeting with the church in Carthage, Texas, where B. G. Dobson is the minister. The attendance was encouraging, and even though only one responded to the invitation to confess wrongs, interest and cooperation were splendid. The church in Carthage is young and has a fine future. I begin work with the church in Grand Saline the first of December."