Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 8, 1949


W. E. Brightwell

W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison St., Clarksburg, W. Va.: "Just closed a fine meeting at Elk Fork, near Middlebourne, W. Va. Two precious souls were baptized."


Forrest D. Moyer, Box 118, Post, Texas: "Directed singing November 3 to 13, in a meeting in Buhl, Idaho, in which Lloyd Moyer, of San Leandro, Calif., preached. Two were baptized. The work here is progressing."


Woodrow W. Hughes, 606 E. "J" St., Ontario, Calif., November 25: "A new congregation has been started in Fontana, Calif. Last Lord's day closed their first month of regular services, with fifty-eight in Bible classes, and seventy-two for worship. Thirty adults have been identified, restored, or baptized, thus far. If you know of members in that city please contact Raymond Clark, 748 South Alder, Fontana, Calif.


One has been baptized, one restored, and two identified the past two weeks here in Ontario."


Carl A. Collins, Box 172, Lipan, Texas, November 23: "After living in Mineral Wells six years, preaching for the North Oak Ave. Church and the Perrin Church, I have moved to Lipan, Texas, and am now preaching for this good congregation. The future looks good here.


I really appreciate the Gospel Guardian, and am anxious to get each number. It is doing a very valuable service."


New Nebraska Church W. Woodrow Allen, 401 West 26th, Kearney, Nebr., November 25: "I enjoy your good paper very much and appreciate the firm stand that you take on the issues that confront the church today.


On November 6, a small group of disciples began meeting in the city of North Platte, Nebr. They have eighteen members at present and are meeting in the Youth Building in the City Park.


North Platte is a city of approximately 20,000 people, and it is growing rapidly at the present time, but they need the assistance of stronger churches.

They would like very much to have a preacher to work with them, but they cannot carry the load alone. Are there not preachers and congregations interested in preaching the gospel in this city? This is an opportunity for some congregation to do some real mission work in the state of Nebraska. At present we have very few self-supporting congregations in the state.

I preached for these good brethren, November 20, and I believe that they will continue in the Lord's work. If there are churches interested in this work, write to me at the above address, or write to Lester Jeffers, 708 East 55th, North Platte, Nebr.


Brother Jeffers moved there from Norman, Okla., and is doing all that he possibly can to encourage others in the work."


A Brevity Story That Is Not Brief A store keeper called a sign painter to have a sign put on his window, The sign was to read, "Good Limburger Cheese For Sale Here." The sign painter felt that it was his duty to make any helpful suggestions that he could. He liked limburger cheese, so he suggested that "All Limburger cheese is good, so you will not need the word 'good' in your sign. Then observed that "All Limburger is cheese, so you will not need the word `cheese' in your sign. We will make the sign read, 'Limburger For Sale Here.' " But he looked again, and made this suggestion: "Any one would know that whatever you have for sale would be 'here.' Let's eliminate the word 'here,' and make the sign read, 'Limburger For sale.' But said he, "Everyone knows that every thing you have in the store is for sale. You don't need the words, For Sale.' We will just put 'Limburger' on the sign." Then he said; "Come to think of it, anyone coming close enough to read the sign will smell the Limburger! You don't need a sign! Goodbye!!"

---Floyd Thompson, Santa Ana, Calif, P. S. Some reports don't need to be made.—F, T,