Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 24, 1949


Caskey Writes from Africa Guy V. Caskey, Box 1831, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa, October 27: "We (Millers, Hardins, Brother Echols and Caskeys) arrived in this city of 65,000 people on August 29 to await our permanent visas into the Union. This step takes considerable time and was taken on the advice of the South African officials in the United States. While waiting for weather conditions to improve, so that we could conduct some meetings here, we visited in Northern Rhodesia for several weeks, preaching and teaching every opportunity we had.

Now we are engaged in a series of open-air meetings in the residential sections of this city and good interest has been shown thus far, there having been about thirty "outsiders" in attendance. The rains will begin in a few weeks and we shall have to move inside, but there are halls and auditoriums throughout the city which will enable us to continue this work. The brethren are now planning a meeting in the down-town city hall, and their intentions are to advertise it extensively for several weeks before it begins, hoping to interest hundreds of these people. Since the church here is small and weak, I believe this to be one of the most effective ways of getting the cause firmly established.

Of course, we are anxious to get to Johannesburg (750,000 people) and settled in the work we were sent to do, but while we are here we want to be kept busy and do all the good we can. Letters are still pouring in daily from listeners to our weekly broadcasts from Lorenco Morgues(150,000 watt station). The majority of our correspondents live in the Union of South Africa—seventy-five or eighty of them in Johannesburg; we shall not be idle with hundreds "prospects" on our list.

We are here to do nothing but preach the gospel."


Choice L. Bryant, 3020 West Burbank Blvd., Burbank, Calif., November "I began with the Burbank Church September 28. Leaving El Centro was not easy, but anticipate a good work here. Malcom Bowen will labor with the El Centro Church."


True wisdom

"Advice to women, On how to manage men:

If at first your don't succeed, Cry, cry again."


J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn.: "One baptized here last week. Our meeting is in progress with good interest."


W. F. Showers, Taft, Texas, November 7: "A leader of young business men was baptized here yesterday. R. D. Simmons of Corpus Christi will be with us in a meeting, from November 27 to December 7."


J. P. Lusby, Wellington, Texas, November 7: "Am to engage R. F. Pepper, Missionary Baptist, in debate at Wellington, Texas, November 21-24. Night sessions only."


E. C. Creacy, Horse Cave, Ky., November 11: "Sam 'Steward moved here this week to labor in word and doctrine with the Horse Cave Church, and throughout this immediate section. He seems to be a fine young man who loves the truth and does not believe that human institutions should become parasites of the Lord's church. It will be remembered that the church here went digressive as a direct result of premillennial teaching and influence. The meetinghouse was stolen and we had to build a new house. The new house is a credit to the community and an honor to the cause of Christ. The congregation is growing and the future looks good. We are building on a sound and firm foundation. The preaching of Foy E. Wallace, Jr., in this community a few years ago meant much in saving the church in this section. Premillennialism is out, and the little digressive group is nearly out. Could not continue if the Methodists and Baptists did not "bolster" them up!"


C. H. Luster, 617 East 8th St., National City, Calif., November 2: "In October three were baptized, all heads of families, and twelve were restored with one transfer of membership. The work here continues to go forward in accord with the New Testament standard under the guidance of an eldership that has respect for the word of God, and the members are fully anchored by the commands of the Lord manifesting full cooperation in peace and harmony in the spreading of the kingdom in this community. This congregation has no connection with any insidious movement, nor does it in any way fellowship premillennialism which has found its way west, nor do we fellowship those who will tolerate such doctrine; for we know that a wrong cannot be corrected by becoming a part of the wrong. A fine gospel meeting was conducted by the colored brethren that meet at 3030 Webster Avenue, San Diego, in October, with L. H. Alexander, of Midland, Texas, humbly but forcefully preaching. One was baptized, and much accomplished by the strengthening of the membership in the faith This work among the colored people is four years old, and they have done a noble work in the past in fashioning themselves after the New Testament order. W. J. Hervey, the local minister, has proven himself to be a true servant of the Master during his labor with this congregation. I have always found Brother Hervey to be humble and ready to submit himself under the hand of God in every way. This is the only loyal and faithful church among the colored people in San Diego County, and they are worthy of any support they might receive to further the teaching of Christ among their people."