Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 10, 1949


John H. Gerrard, 724 S. 40th St., Louisville, Ky., October 27: "Allen Phy closed a meeting last night with the West End Church here. Excellent preaching and good attendance. Three baptisms the visible results. Have recently bought a new piece of property for a future church home. The church is moving onward."


H. I. Taylor, 726 W. 26th St. Houston 8, Texas, October 28: "J. C. Murphy, of Orange, Texas recently concluded a very fine gospel meeting here at the 26th & N. Shepherd congregation. The threat of institutionalism was thoroughly denounced. Bro. Murphy is a Christian gentleman and a fine gospel preacher. The visible results amounted to four baptisms, and three restorations.

We also take pleasure in announcing the establishment of a new work here in Houston. It is known as the church of Christ in Oak Forest. This is a new section of Houston that will have a population of nearly 20,000 when completed. The good wishes and prayers of the faithful is all we ask."


Cled E. Wallace, of Weatherford, Texas, is due to arrive here this week, and preach his initial sermons for the Fourth and Groesbeck Church next Sunday, November 6. The church conducts three preaching services on Sunday: 8:30 A. M., broadcast over KRBA, Lufkin; 11 A. M., and 6 P.M., also broadcast, over the same station.


W. E. Brightwell, Box 414, Lufkin, Texas: "Last Sunday, October 30, was the best day in the work of the Herty Church here. Crowds were better at Bible study and the preaching services at 11 A.M. and 7:30 P.M., and the contributions were the largest or close to the largest ever. The congregation consists of about sixty members. Two placed membership Sunday."


Leroy Brownlow will be the speaker in a meeting at Sears & Summitt Church, Dallas, Texas, October 30 to November 6.

Luther Blackmon, Rusk, Texas, recently conducted a meeting in Jacksonville Texas in which there were nine baptized arid six restored.


Reeder Oldham begins a meeting at Logansport, Ind., October 30.