L. D. Lawrence, Jr., 925 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn., is doing a splendid work in getting gospel tracts printed in foreign languages for free distribution. He now has tracts in French, German, and Spanish languages available, and plans to bring them out in various modern languages. He would appreciate suggestions.
Edward J. Craddock, 1714 Cass, Nashville, Tenn.: "Wheelersburg, Ohio, meeting begins with capacity attendance. Gerald Tuttle and several members have worked. Ten were baptized, and one restored Monday night.
The Hurricane Mills, Tenn., meeting resulted in four baptisms. Some baptized there the last few years are taking active part in the work.
Begin with Allen Killon, Springfield, Tenn., October 26. Begin at Port Arthur, Texas, November 20."
J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn.: "One baptism, and one restoration here last week. I am now in a meeting in the county. We begin a meeting here, November- 6, with the writer preaching, and Homer Royster leading the singing."
Cleon Lyles, Little Rock, Ark., October 24: "The Fourth and State Church closed the best meeting in its history, October 12. Several were baptized. Roy Cogdill preached.
The University Church in Austin, Texas closed a weeks meeting the 16th, in which I preached. Four were baptized, and several placed membership. This was the first meeting in their beautiful new building. R. B. Sweet is the preacher for the University Church."
George T. Jones, Nacogdoches, Texas, October 26: "One was baptized in our services Sunday, October 23. Two have been identified with this congregation and one has confessed negligence of duty. The work continues to be encouraging."
Dean Clutter, 1006 S. Belmont, Indianapolis, Ind., is now laboring with the Belmont Church. That congregation is considering the possibility of starting a new congregation in Mar's Hill next year.