Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 25, 1949

The Overflow

F. Y. T.

Now let's see what happens In the June 30 issue of Gospel Guardian Bro. Whiteside had an article in which he took to task Bro. Geo. DeHoff of the Gospel Advocate staff for misquoting certain passages of scripture. Like a gentleman, Bro. DeHoff took the strictures with grace and good sportsmanship. He immediately wrote a correction in the Gospel Advocate and admitted that his former article had been in error. And we are told that Bro. George remarked in a private conversation with a friend, "Bro. Whiteside set out to prove that I was an ignoramus —and he did it!" We like that. When a man can suffer the embarrassment of a public correction and not lose his sense of humor or get his feelings ruffled, he shows the right colors. But in the Gospel Guardian last week Bro. Whiteside took Bro. Goodpasture to task on an even more glaring fault than was Bro. DeHoff's. Bro. DeHoff misquoted some scripture; but Bro. Goodpasture made a whole argument on a translation that scholarship cannot sanction. Now, let's see what happens. Will Bro. Goodpasture be as gracious and as ready to retract as was his staff-writer?


New writer It's trite to say so, of course, but still true that the future of the church lies with the coming generation. We are happy to publish in this issue an excellent article from Edwin Broadus, of St. Louis, Missouri, who is now a student in A. C. C. With a Christian heritage extending back through generations (he is the great-grandson of the late D. T. Broadus) we look forward with confident assurance to a useful and productive work from this fine young gospel preacher.


"Arkansaw Youth Evangelist"

This is the tag with which the premillennial brethren of Louisville, Kentucky, advertised Jule Miller, who, with J. E. Blansett, recently held a meeting in Louisville. What next? Are the "youths" the only ones in the church who need a special evangelist? How about an "Old Folks Evangelist"? or why not have somebody become a special evangelist to the professional men in the church ("Arkansaw White Collar Evangelist")? And how about the day laborers ("Arkansaw Dirty Shirt Evangelist")? And the poor ("Arkansaw No Shirt Evangelist")? Once we get started, we see lots of possibilities: "Middle-aged Evangelist"; "Over thirty-five, but-not-yet-middle-aged Evangelist"; "Adolescent Evangelist"; "Pre-school Evangelist"; etc.



The Gospel Guardian comes to one dozen homes in this congregation. Our earnest hope is that those enjoying its help shall be encouraged to a firm stand for the truth. Twenty two months work here reveal the following: Sixty-five additions, a spacious building completely remodeled, a seething hatred on the part of sectarian preachers for all who contend earnestly for "the faith once delivered." Here, too, we dis-enjoy an unstable contribution, and a lack of full cooperation from those who have the "oversight". Interested? Like to do some 'mission work' out here? Write the elders, Oil Center, New Mexico. T. R. Bankhead, Eunice, New Mexico.



"I deeply appreciate the work you are doing. I wish you every success. Here are eight more subscriptions. I will send all I can secure.

-E. G. Creacy, Horse Cave, Kentucky


"Do not send me another copy of "The Gospel Guardian". I am a member of the Presbyterian Church, and have no desire to belong to the Church of Christ. So please take my name off your list."

—Lloyd W. Head, Beaumont, Texas


"Enjoy the Guardian very much. I appreciate the sound articles by men whose writings we have not seen before."

—Frank L. Smith (Formerly of Houston, now of Shawnee, Oklahoma)


Still waiting We're still waiting to see if Bro. Pullias will fire those two men who teach the truth on institutionalism in D. L. C.