Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 1, 1949

Policy Of The Gospel Guardian

Fanning Yater Tant There will be no changes in the policy of the Gospel Guardian from that of the Bible Banner. Indeed, The Gospel Guardian IS the Bible Banner under a new name and under new editorship. The masthead of the Banner declared that that journal was "Published Monthly In Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations. Change the "monthly in that statement to "weekly, and you have our policy.

Foy E. Wallace, Jr. will continue to be connected with the new journal, serving as editorial counselor, special writer and as co-editor. More than any other single man in our generation he has stood as a bulwark against the encroachments of "errors and innovations" into the church. He will be somewhat more active in The Gospel Guardian than he has been of late in the columns of the Banner; friends of the truth will rejoice to see his writings appearing fairly regularly in our editorial columns.

As its name implies, The Gospel Guardian will be "set for the defense of the church." At a time when religious error seems able to deceive even the elect, it is of utmost importance that there be clear heads and stout hearts in the ranks of those who defend the truth. More than half a hundred loyal gospel preachers, from every section of the nation, have indicated their willingness to share with us the task of carrying forward the "fight for the right" through the pages of this journal.

We are not "anti" anything except "anti-wrong." We believe in Christian education (among our staff-writers men from Abilene Christian College, Florida Christian College, Pepperdine College, and Freed-Hardeman College; but we are unalterable opposed to the unscriptural idea of having the college supported out of the treasure. We believe in "mission work (making absolutely no distinction between "home and foreign); but we view with considerable apprehension the apparent shift toward an "institutional conscious missionary program—the feeling that we cannot preach the gospel without an elaborate institutional set-up.

Supremely we desire to see the church militant and aggressive. Recognizing that "the best defense is offense", we shall promote and encourage every good work of which we know. The paper will retain its controversial character on points that need open and frank discussion. We shall not only fight error, we shall fight tendencies toward error with all the vigor at our command, not waiting till these tendencies have grown into full-fledged apostasies.

When necessary to discuss error, we shall not hesitate to name the man who teaches it. This was Paul's practice; we follow the example he left. We may deal in personalities, but not in personal reflections.

To the production of such a paper - clean, straight from-the-shoulder, militant, and aggressive Christian journalism - we pledge you our strength, our ability, and our unswerving fidelity. This is our goal; from it we shall not swerve.