The Pulse Of The Preachers
The Bible Banner is being handled nicely now. You fellows are doing a good job of it. I'm sorry A. C. C. has jumped the track in her effort to raise the endowment but since she has, some of you who are good at writing have to handle the pen. Seeing the trend toward independence being manifested by the colleges, I'm beginning to wonder if an endowment that would make A. C. C. totally self-sufficient would not also put her in position to crystallize certain trends into policies that, being taught year after year to a stream of students, would appreciably change the attitude of the church in general, toward a weaker stand on fundamentals. As it is, if her teachers talk off color, they either must be removed or corrected, or the college stands to lose its support. Though I'd like to see her usefulness expanded, I question the advisability of making her entirely independent of the rank and file of Christians.—Ernest H. Witt, Willis, Texas.
For a long time, I have intended to write you. Other matters have so taxed my time that I just put it off. I just wanted to say that I fully appreciate the fights you have made against "isms" that threaten the church. I don't want you to ever entertain the idea of "letting down" because of hateful things done by brethren who love the wages of unrighteousness. I feared, several years ago, that your heart would be made heavy by some traitors.
I hope the colleges never dominate the church, but I do know that a lot of preachers are dominated by them and especially their presidents. I am a friend to Christian education and have defended it in debate with Ketcherside. With the conditions that now exist, I would not undertake it. When I met Ketcherside some years ago, Bro. Hardeman furnished me a letter, over his signature, to the effect that F. H. C. was an adjunct to the home and depended in no sense upon the church as such for its support. That was just after his debate with Bogard, in Little Rock, Arkansas. If the churches all emptied their treasuries into the colleges, a poor boy would still have to manage for money to attend one. I would oppose money being sent from the church treasury to an orphanage, if I knew that some one would have to pay the orphan child's board and room extra. God willing, my children will attend a Christian school, but I expect to have to foot the bill myself.—Sterl A. Watson, Haynesville, La.
It is my conviction that you brethren have hit the nail on the head.—R. A. Hartsell, Guthrie, Oklahoma.