"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.IX No.VI Pg.1,7b
August 1947

Brewer Refuses To Defend His Statement

W. W. Otey

The following was sent to Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation and a copy to G. C. Brewer, some months ago. The papers did not publish it and Brewer wrote me positively refusing the offer to deny his own affirmation.

"Brewer's Challenge Accepted"

During the lectureship at Abilene College, in 1938, in a speech soliciting contributions for the college, he urged elders to "put in their budgets" support for the college. A few days later I wrote him what I understood him to say in his speech, and said: "I hope I misunderstood you to advocate putting support of colleges in church budgets." He promptly replied: "As to my statement at the college, you did not misunderstand me, but left off a part of the statement that I think should be included. I said I had argued for the practice of putting the colleges and orphan homes in the congregation budgets, and would be willing to argue it again, if arguments were necessary." At that time I expressed to him my willingness to deny his affirmative statement. I now again repeat my readiness to deny his proposition, and urge him that it is now highly important that this question be fairly, honorably and fully discussed, and put in print. The demand for such a discussion is imperative and immediate.

The following wording fairly states his proposition:

It is scripturally right for the congregations of the church of Christ to contribute from the church treasury to support Abilene Christian College in its work.


Negative—W. W. Otey.

If the above wording of the proposition is not acceptable, then he can affirm the statement he made in Abilene College and repeated to me in a personal letter, date, March 2, 1938, which is quoted above.

Discussion to be oral or in writing as affirmative may decide. If oral, to be held in Abilene College. Discussion to be printed and published jointly or individually as may be mutually agreed. Date and minor matters to be agreed to by personal correspondence.

Belle Plaine, Kansas, May 17, 1947.

Signed, W. W. Otey."

He refused to discuss the question. In Firm Foundation, May 27, 1947, he writes:

"I shall now try once more to make my position clear. I have never advocated supporting the colleges out of the church treasury; I have never advocated putting colleges in the budget." This is a denial of the correctness of the statement from me appearing three times in the Firm Foundation over a period of nine years, and that has been freely circulated in my free tract, Bible Colleges, for the past several years. Were it not that I have his letters containing the statement, it would be a question of memory or personal veracity. If any one desires to see that original letter with Brother Brewer's undoubted signature, it can be examined at my home. Or I would have a photostatic copy made, and mail it. If he again makes this denial I will either have such a copy made and published, or have a number of reliable brethren examine the letter and so certify whether or not it is a fact that he wrote the statement. It is a matter of grief to me that Brother Brewer would allow himself to get in this sort of dilemma. But two things are involved of serious import. First, the veracity of a large number who heard the statement when made in Abilene College and second, the veracity of the writer as to whether he has correctly reported his letter. Above all, the cause of truth is at stake. Whether the church is to be launched out on the sea of human organizations through which to work as it was years ago, till there is another complete apostasy, this is the great question at issue. The situation is as serious today as it was sixty years ago. The ripened fruits of working through human organizations from that beginning is well known. What the future will bring forth lies tirely with the handful of men who guide Bible Colleges, and their successors. If they keep them free from any unscriptural connection with the church, and true to the word of God, they can do much good. Taking the other course, the other harvest will 'be gathered.—W. W. Otey