Special Announcement
Due to the irregularities of the past two years, we offer to set forward all renewals one year from the July issue. This means that all delinquent subscriptions, no matter how far in arrears, will be advanced one year from the July number for the sum of $1.00. All delinquent subscriptions, in this way, will be eliminated, and the slate will be wiped clean. We want all to take advantage of this offer. Let us advance your subscription one year from July for one dollar on the basis of a new subscriber. We feel that we owe this consideration to many on our list, and in order to simplify the deal, we extend this consideration to all back subscriptions. Those who have recently sent in renewals will be given this same benefit—it will be retroactive to all subscriptions received the past quarter.
But this offer will require the immediate discontinuance of all past due subscriptions not renewed at once on this offer. So send your renewal now.
II. A Word To Preachers
It is the desire of the editor of the Bible Banner, and his associates, that all gospel preachers in the U.S.A. and abroad receive the Bible Banner. We want their names on the list—every gospel preacher whose name and address is known, or can be learned. This will be made possible, without obligation to any preacher of the gospel. But as a return consideration we make one request of those preachers who are in sympathy with our aims and purposes, just a small favor—namely, that you mention the Bible Banner privately to a few brethren where you live and send at least one new subscription, and as many more as may be conveniently done. This is not a condition, only a friendly request.
III. A Talk With Our Friends
There are thousands of people who are as deeply devoted to the issues promoted and defended by the Bible Banner as are its editors and publishers. Our hearts beat in unison in a common cause. We firmly believe that the Bible Banner can be a greater medium for good in the defense of the gospel than ever, and more effective as a deterrent to departures and corrective of errors in the future than it has even been in the past. And it will scarcely be denied that during the ten years of its publication (including the Gospel Guardian) it has been the strongest single influence against error in teaching and practice. These issues are not dead. They continue to arise in multiple form. A lapse into lethargy at this critical period would in any event be disastrous and could be fatal. The service rendered by the Bible Banner has been universally recognized and generally acknowledged. We cannot now relent; we must never recede. I call upon my friends and its friends to give us a hand, and a heave—let us go forward!
Faithfully yours, in His cause and kingdom,
Foy E. Wallace JR.