"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.VI No.VI Pg.4-5a
January 1944

The Los Angeles Debate

It has been known in a general way for several months that a debate with the Doctor John Matthews, the leader of Anglo-Israel Millennialism on the West Coast, was pending. The Doctor arbitrarily changed the dates on the debate several times, with but a few days notice, but through the kindness of the brethren where I have been engaged for meetings I was able to shift gears with the Doctor, and the debate was finally staged.

It was held in the Embassy and Philharmonic auditorium in downtown Los Angeles. The questions debated were: Baptism, Throne of David, The Thousand Years Reign, and the peculiar claims of this cult that Britain and America, with all Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples, are fleshly Israel, descendants of the Ten Tribes, and therefore we are "God's Modern Covenant People."

The debate was arranged for and paid for by the Central Church of Christ in Los Angeles, but they received the fine cooperation of the churches of the Los Angeles area. Glenn L. Wallace and John Allen Hudson contributed more, in effort, as individuals, to the bringing about the discussion, and their work in so doing has been generally applauded on the West Coast.

All the sessions of the debate were moderated by Brother C. R. Nichol, of the Vermont Avenue Church, and teacher of Bible in George Pepperdine College. His services were invaluable and were appreciated by all—and especially by me.

The debate was largely, attended every session—several thousand outside people heard the truth, who perhaps had never heard it before.

On Saturday, before the debate closed the following Sunday afternoon, I received a telegram signed by all of the churches of Christ in the city where I live—Oklahoma City—and I am inserting this telegram in this opening of the paper. I had no thought of receiving such a warm expression of confidence and interest. Needless to say that my heart was melted by this expression of personal regard. It greatly increases my obligations in the endeavor to merit such confidence. It is my whole desire to do so. God being my helper, I shall never knowingly let them down.

A fuller report of this discussion will be given by Glenn L. Wallace, representing the Central Church of Christ in Los Angeles.

It is the desire of the Central church to have the AngloIsrael phase of this discussion put in pamphlet form for distribution on the West Coast in view of the fact that this doctrine has some fifty thousands adherents, it is claimed, in the west and northwest areas from Vancouver to Los Angeles. It is a deep-seated doctrine in England, Australia, New Zealand, and the New England States and on the West Coast. The brethren believe the exposure of the doctrine, along with the opportunity of placing the truth before the people on the subjects of baptism and the kingdom, which the debate afforded, will result in great good.

The Bible Banner will carry a summary of the argument on some of the phases of this discussion, which will be put in pamphlet form for distribution. Have your friends send for the Banner, or send it to them—and we may suggest: Renew your own subscription.


Western Union

S AM24-Oklahoma City, Okla. 22 902A

1944, Jan. 22, AM 927

Foy E. Wallace, Jr.,

Central Church of Christ,

12 and Hoover Sts.,

Los Angeles, California

We are with you in spirit and the Oklahoma City Churches authorize this wire to let you know of our interests and our prayers in your behalf as you enter the final day of your great defense of the truth. We are looking forward with confidence to your finishing the debate with complete victory for truth. Be calm. Be thoughtful.

-Tenth and Francis Church

-Capitol Hill Church

-Culbertson Heights Church

-12th and Drexel Church

-31st and Blackwelder Church

-Southwest Church

-Nineteenth and Byars Church 12 31