"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.VI No.XIII Pg.35
July/August 1944

Radio Attacks Stopped

When Mr. Norris decided to launch a smear campaign over the radio station KTAT, Fort Worth, in order to use the "information" he had obtained from his Memphis, Tennessee, "friend" and "other brethren in Tennessee," Attorney Nolan Queen decided that it was time to write the radio station a friendly letter. The exchange follows:

February 15th., 1935

K. T. A. T. Radio Station,

Fort Worth, Texas.. Gentlemen:

At the request of my client, Foy E. Wallace, Jr., Oklahoma City, I am advising you that your station will be held strictly accountable to him for any slanderous statements made over it by Dr. J. Frank Norris or any libelous matter read over it by Dr. J. Frank Norris concerning Mr. Wallace.

Mr. Wallace advises me that this has been done at least once before now, and if it re-occurs you and Dr. Norris will be held accountable to him in damages and to the Federal Radio Commission.

Yours respectfully,

Nolan Queen, Attorney-at-Law..


* * * *

February 31, 1935

Mr. Nolan Queen, Attorney

17-19 Kuteman Building Weatherford, Texas

Dear Sir:

We have your letter of February 15, and have very carefully gone over the contents thereof with Dr. J. Frank Norris. A careful search of copies of Dr. Norris' speeches over KTAT has failed to reveal any matter whatsoever which might be construed as libelous or slanderous statements reference Mr. Foy Wallace. Most certainly if your client, through misunderstanding, has received the impression that any such statements were broadcast, we want to assure him that it could not have been other than a misunderstanding on his part.

We sincerely trust this apparent misunderstanding will not be the cause of any ill feeling by Mr. Wallace toward this station.

Very truly yours,

Ktat Broadcast Company, Inc.

L. H. Armer

Lha : Dc

February 23rd_., 1935

K. T. A. T. Broadcast Company, Inc.,

P. O. Box 1317,

Attn: Hon. L. H. Armer,

Ft. Worth, Texas.

My dear Mr. Armer: '

Your letter of the 21st. instant relative to certain speeches made by Dr. Norris over K. T. A. T. concerning Mr. Foy E. Wallace is received for which I thank you. I am informed that recent statements made by Dr. Norris over your radio are as follows in substance:

"That Wallace was fired in Nashville, Tenn. because of his dirty work, and that he had to leave town at midnight, and that he had the low down on Wallace, and that he had dug into his character at Memphis and Nashville, and had discovered a character that all Fort Worth needed to know about, and that he was determined to tell it in all of it's blackness, that of ail the black characters among white men Wallace's was the blackest, and his character was unspeakable."

I am inclined to believe that this might be construed as a slanderous reflection upon my client's character. I do not want any controversy over the matter, and I am

sure the matter will not occur again, and I did not personally hear the statements, but I have in my files letters from people who write that they heard the remarks.

This propaganda is all bunk, and is untrue, and we do not want it to re-occur again and we hope that it does not. I feel that much of the trouble between Dr. Norris and Mr. Wallace will soon be settled, and that such slanderous and libelous matter will not again be permitted to be broadcasted again over K. T. A. T. and trust that you will cooperate with me in seeing that it does not occur again.

Assuring you of my very high regards for K. T. A. T., and of my utmost desire to save any man unfair and unjust slanderous and libelous statements, I am,

Yours very respectfully,

Nolan Queen, Attorney-at-Law.
