Comments And Commendations
To me, this week's editorial page in the Gospel Advocate looks like a "nice" piece of propaganda deliberately designed to reflect on your defense of the church against the perniciousness the premillennialism. First, the innuendo of the editor (and from some former editorials, I thought he did not believe in such), then an article on premillennialism. Some strategy! Incidentally, it seems to me that the proposition should be reversed and someone should be requested to send the scripture which says that "human governments (such as the United States and the United Nations) are guilty of murder in executing wrath against the evil-doer' in defending the rights of free peoples against the unwarranted aggression of the Axis." I know they do not attempt to meet yours and Cled's arguments, and the reason is obvious to reflecting minds.
The war and premillennial question, while intended no doubt to change the issue, from premillennialism to war, presents an alliterative caption for a dilemma on the proposition--"Premillennialism or Predestination." Either, as the premillennialist contends, all human governments are evil--of the devil, and will ultimately be abolished, or God has ordained them, but predestinated those who should serve them, so that a Christian can have no part in them--neither of which can be sustained by truth.--Chas. M. Campbell, Bowling Green, Ky.
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Since reading Brother Goodpasture's article on "Support For The Conscientious Objectors" in the last issue of the Advocate I was immediately impressed to write you and express my gratitude for the courage displayed by you in setting forth your convictions on the Christian's relation to civil government in time of war.
There is a vast difference in the style and mood employed by Brother Goodpasture in this article and the few instances he has felt the urge, or necessity, of writing on the pre-mil question. I do not recall that he ever in reference to Boll and his followers became sarcastic in the use of descriptive adjectives and titles. But evidently he was in a frame of mind when he made his short recent discovery that provoked him to be free in releasing some pent up fury. He has been so pious in his dealings with Boll and his theories that one would hardly suspect that he would write as he did in his last try.
I trust nothing will hinder you on the courses of action you so wisely chose and have so ably defended. Though you may be a man of "financial wizardry" you are my ideal type of gospel preacher and writer. I look forward for many more of your timely discussions of pressing and vexing problems.--W. H. Green, Brilliant, Ala.
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I have been reading with pleasure--your recent numbers discussing the Premillennialism and the War questions. I am in complete agreement with the positions you and Cled have taken. There ought to be some level-headed thinking done... We who have lived through fifty years of service in the Cause of Christ well know how likely many are to go to unwarranted extremes in interpretation and application of the Scriptures. May God help us to think carefully to the logical end of our contentions and let reason and right prevail.--S. A. Ribble, Carlsbad, New Mexico.
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I believe you are right in your attitude toward war and civil government. The man who thinks it is all right to buy bonds and pay taxes but does not believe it is right to bear arms against an outlaw reminds me of the old gentleman that got religion. He was plowing in the new ground and the roots were breaking and hitting him on the shins. He wanted to cuss the mule but happened to think that he had got religion. Another fellow came along and the old man gave him fifty cents to cuss his mule. It seems that some of the brethren are willing to pay someone else to do their fighting. They, of course, would be opposed to capital punishment (?). Individuals may so act to deprive themselves of the protection and blessings of society and even the right to live. What is true of the outlaw is true of an outlaw nation.--Will M. Thompson, Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
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I enjoy your timely and enlightening teaching and I would not want to be without the Bible Banner. I have been deeply interested in your and Brother Cled's articles on the government question, and I feel that they are rational and in complete accord with God's word. The question as to how much a Christian could indulge, "a little or a lot," was most challenging, for I am quite sure we are all contributing in some measure to the gigantic effort.... Keep the good work going and be assured that the church at Huntington stands foursquare behind you in preaching the truth and combating error.-L. C. Nicely, Huntington, W. Va.
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Let me tell you again that I appreciate the fine work you have done and are doing through the BIBLE BANNER. It is well worth all of the effort you put into it and the sacrifice you make for it in the good that is accomplisher through it for the Cause of Christ. I believe your and Cled's work on the war question has been exceedingly fine and has kept the church from being swept into the creed-making business on that question as well as along other lines. May God bless you and yours always is my prayer.--Roy E. Cogdill, Dallas, Texas.
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We pass the BIBLE BANNER around, for its stabilizing effect is needed among all of the brethren. Besides its common place in church journalism, it has the distinction of no competition in its sublime work of eradicating the millennialistic evils tending to grow up among us, and also of (correcting) the anti-civil and anti-military (government) tendencies. There is a homage (duty) which all manly men of God should exercise.-W. N. Bohannan, Fullerton, Calif.
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Enclosed find money order for subscription to BIBLE BANNER for the year 1943. It is a grand periodical and true to all scripture. The article by Brother Cled Wallace on the church and civil government was fine and I was glad to read it. Success to your paper. I am always glad to receive each issue as it comes off the press.--Thomas D. Bateman, Detroit, Mich.
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I certainly do enjoy reading the BIBLE BANNER. Especially do I enjoy reading your and Brother Cled's pieces on the Christian's attitude toward the war.--Mrs. W. I. Foster, San Antonio, Tex.
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You have certainly dealt the future kingdom folks a haymaker. In many parts of the country they have almost gone out of business, or they are ashamed to let the public know where they stand.-Oscar Smith, Houston, Texas.
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I have enjoyed reading the articles on "The Christian And The Government." I have a son who is a prisoner of the Japanese government, if he is even alive. He was in Bataan, Philippines. . . . My son was a fine Christian boy, being a member of the church of Christ. Please pray for my poor son over there in the hands of one of the cruelest people on earth. I have asked some of our preachers to pray for my son and they look at me like I am crazy. Forgive me for saying so much. I shall be glad to get the BIBLE BANNER again. God bless you in the wonderful work that you are doing.-Mrs. A. T. Schooley, Houston,. Texas.
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I have just finished reading the BANNER issued this month and for me to say that I am pleased with your answer to the Advocate concerning Civil governments is putting it entirely in too mild a form. Brother Wallace, you answered them as a Christian gentleman and I can give you my hand on every argument you made. I thank God that we still have men, both in and out of the pulpit, that are not afraid to defend a government when it is in trouble that they thank God for in time of peace. I never did think much of a man that will thank God for something that he is not willing to defend. I know there are many that are saying unkind things about you and Brother Cled to your back regarding this matter. But let me assure you that there are many, yes many, that are with me in saying that we are with you one hundred percent in the stand that you have taken in this matter. May God bless you in your fight for what is right.-J. C. Roady, Sullivan, Indiana.
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I appreciate the stand you take on the war question. I have no connections in the army so do not appreciate your stand because it eases my feelings. It is just that I admire your ability to think things out and to stand up for what you think. More power to you.
I appreciate the paper coming to a number of the members of the Niagara and Manning congregation of the church where I preach.--D. W. Dryden Sinclair, St. Catherines, Ont.
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The latest issue was fine. You did a fine job in reply to the challenge for debate on the war question, as well as in your other articles too.--W. Curtis Porter, Monette, Ark.
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Wife and I are in full accord with Cled E. Wallace's articles in regard to the Christian's relation to our government.-John Lynch, Bell Buckle, Tenn.
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Into the hat it goes! Keep the BIBLE BANNER coming, boy. I surely do enjoy it. Don't want to miss a copy.-W. D. Black, Levelland, Texas .
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Keep your chin up, and that BANNER waving. It is one BANNER that the light of investigation does not daunt--it flies in the light, and investigation is its own element.-W. L. Wharton, Clovis, New Mexico.
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The teaching through the BIBLE BANNER has been a revelation to me and has lifted a burden in explaining the question of Christians engaging in the war. This alone has been worth to me many times more than the cost of my subscription, to say nothing about the "rock founded" teaching against our family deserters who want another chance--(the premillennialists)and I once again commend Brother Foy and Brother Cled for their courage in defending the word of God against many. May God bless each of you through many years.--Jonathan Moore, Sistersville, W. Va.
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I have been reading everything in the BANN-ER and in everything else. You have put out some good stuff during the past year. I am glad you are treating R. H. Boll's doctrine the proper way. Those fellows who leave the New Testament and misapply the Old Testament, to the disturbance of the whole church ought to be called to account. I don't care how rough you get with them.--Austin Taylor, Uvalde, Texas.
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The BANNER gets better and better.--Paul L. Wallace, Akron, Ohio.
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Keep the good work going. I think you are doing a grand job.--J. J. McCarty, Houston, Texas.
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You have waged a great fight against error.-J. E. Walker, Dallas, Texas.