"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.IV No.XI Pg.9b
June 1942

Price Billingsley To Destitute Places

Brother Price Billingsley and wife have their membership in the Arlington Heights Church of Christ, and expect to reside indefinitely in our midst. This congregation is delighted to sponsor the plan many of his friends have suggested concerning his future work. Upon the suggestion of these friends he decided that he may accomplish more good by preaching in the destitute fields than in any other kind of preaching work. This was the way he established many of our present flourishing congregations in years gone by. He is alert in mind and is anxious to be active in this work by preaching in schoolhouses, from house to house and as opportunity affords. All who are interested will offer suggestions and provide openings for this work should write us as soon as possible.

We're glad to take oversight of this work to the extent of receiving, acknowledging and properly disbursing contributions, through a special treasurer, for this timely mission work. This congregation is in full sympathy with this kind of work. Brother Billingsley is unwilling that contributions be sent to him direct and desires that they come through our congregation.

Some brethren have mailed in their contribution. Others will be glad to volunteer. Our congregation prays that all that is done in this good work will be to the glory of God and the up building of His church; and that all who hear the Gospel in its purity and fullness will know assuredly that only love for God's truth and the souls of men prompts Brother Billingsley in all that he says and does. We ask for the prayers of all humble and God-fearing brethren that Brother Billingsley and all our congregation may be governed by the highest wisdom in the furtherance of this work, and that we may love all brethren with pure hearts fervently.

Any individual or congregation that will make regular or special contribution to this work should mail it to the address below. Prompt acknowledgment will be made.

Arlington Heights Church of Christ, Box 424, Fort Worth, Texas. Signed: Carl A. Gardner, James Turner, Leaders; James Standridge, Evangelist. April 22, 1942.

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COMMENT: You who get this unsolicited letter of endorsement from the Arlington Heights Church must know Nettie and me too well to believe we love and scheme for money. As saints of the Lord we would now go to weak, waste and destitute places and with all our might work for New Testament Christianity and hold the Church true to that divine pattern. And we would go independently, without fear or favor! If you believe we love the pure Word of God and if you love and respect us as such, then send help to Arlington Heights Church for us. Let no others have part therein!-Price Billingsley.

Web-Master's Note: The above plea represents one possible application of what would later become known as "the sponsoring church" arrangement. As brethren continued to refine their understanding of Bible authority, this arrangement would eventually be rejected by many, including many of the names represented here.