"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.III No.XII Pg.3a
July 1941

The Akin Fund

L. L. Brigance

This is a large sum of money provided annually by Brother and Sister J. W. Akin for the education of young preachers. It is administered by Freed-Hardeman College to young men who desire to preach the Word but are unable to pay their way through school. It takes care of a large part of their expenses. Although this fund has only been available for the past three years more than 200 young men who couldn't otherwise have done so, have attended Freed-Hardeman College, received its teachings and are out in the world now preaching the gospel.

Not this side the Judgment can any of us know the good this fund has already accomplished. At the last "chapel exercises" of 1940-41 the students were making their little farewell speeches. They were speaking of the great benefits received from the school and many of them referred to the "Akin Fund." Right in the midst of it Brethren Akin and Foy E. Wallace, Jr., unannounced stepped quietly into the hall and took seats. Perhaps they were unobserved and unknown by most of the students. The speech-making went on. Several other references to the Akin Fund and expressions of gratitude were made. Brother Hardeman then called upon all who could not have attended school but for the help received from this fund to stand. More than fifty fine young men arose. He then introduced Brother Akin and asked him to say a few words. He couldn't say much but among other things was this significant statement: "I have already seen and heard enough this morning to more than repay me for every dollar I have put into this fund."

From fifty to seventy-five young men can be assisted each year by this fund. Any one desiring such assistance should write Brother N. B. Hardeman, Henderson, Tennessee, for full particulars.

All young preachers will be taught the pure word of God undiluted with human opinions, speculations or interpretations. They will be shown the errors of Denomination-alism, and how to meet them. They will be taught and trained in the preparation and delivery of sermons. Other subjects, such as Biblical Geography, Church History, etc. will be offered to everyone. Special course is offered in the history of the Restoration Movement.

Freed-Hardeman College in its Bible teaching is safe and sound. It believes in the divine inspiration and allsufficiency of the Bible. It rides no hobbies, accepts no

human opinions or "inventions of men," but accepts all the Bible teaches and rejects everything it does not. There is no question mark concerning its soundness in the faith.