"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.III No.XII Pg.10-11
July 1941

Witty-Murch-Davison "Brotherhood Paper"?

Foy Wallace

The following letters reveal another "brotherhood" scheme. After Clinton Davidson's counterfeit "brotherhood" survey and fake questionnaire and the New Christian Leader's fiasco, Claude F. Witty has the audacity to propose another assault on the church in the form of a "brotherhood paper."

On the opposite page will be seen a photographic reproduction of a "confidential" letter from Brother F. L. Rowe to the editors of his Christian Leader. Will Brother Witty use this "brotherhood paper" in an effort to do what he tried to persuade Brother Rowe to attempt to do? If not, why should he try to get another man to use a paper to do a thing that he will not use his own paper to do?

The "brotherhood" is not quite so gullible as to be deceived by the same scheme twice. Anybody can see that the source of the Witty "brotherhood paper" is no higher nor better than the Davidson movement, if not the same. But everybody knows that Claude F. Witty could not operate such a paper on his own power. In view of Clinton Davidson's long distance telephone proposition to F. L. Rowe and Claude Witty's trip from Detroit to Cincinnati to persuade Brother Rowe, as revealed in the letter on the opposite page, it is not difficult to discern the Clinton-Claude tie-up. They are not even smart. They cannot cover up their own tracks. Their purposes are apparent and their schemes transparent. Discerning brethren see through them.

Dear Bro. Wallace:

Enclosed is letter from Bro. Witty, and carbon copy of my reply.

I'm sure I have not been writing enough lately, else Bro. Witty would never have written me. Enclosed is also a short article, "Meeting With The Christian Church." I'd like it if you could find space to publish both it and also my reply to Bro. Witty.

Faithfully, Hugo McCord.

Dear Brother McCord:

As you may or may not know Bro. C. B. Clifton has been publishing a monthly paper here in Detroit called The Christian Tribune, and now on account of his age and failing health he has asked me to take over the paper. That is, the editorial part of it.

I intend to make it a brotherhood paper instead of a state paper. I want some of the best articles I can get for the next few issues. Will you be good enough to go through your files and select something you may have written in the past and send it to me as soon as possible?

Of course, you can write an article expressly for this paper, but I want to save you all the time I can. I will greatly appreciate your cooperation.

The work in Detroit is making the greatest progress in its history.

As every, Claud F. Witty

Dear Bro. Witty:

I should be glad to have my articles appear in the Christian Tribune, but I am afraid you would not want to publish them. Following are two articles that appeared in the Gospel Advocate and an excerpt from one published in the Bible Banner.

Are We On The Same Board?

"The installation of Raphael Harwood Miller as permanent pastor" of the "National City Christian Church, Washington, D. C.," was a matter approved by the Disciples of Christ brotherhood. Said the Christian-Evangelist: "Raphael H. Miller is there doing the work not for himself or just because it is a prominent place, but he is working to extend the influence of every one of us, and direct in a great kingdom enterprise."

Dr. Miller, in "the services of installation by which" he was "formally inducted to the ministry of the National City Christian Church," asserted: "Denominations and sects are not wholly or even largely the product of human pride and prejudice and unbrotherliness A thing entirely wrong could not long endure by the devotion of men. (Emphasis mine. H. Mc.) It is unthinking to condemn all sectarianism as sinful. . . So long as we know in part we shall be in parties."

Brother Witty pictures churches of Christ on one end of a board and the Disciples of Christ on the other end. If we are on a board with such preaching as the above, we had better move off the board entirely, not move toward the middle. It would not be going the second mile to move toward the middle; it is a betrayal of Christ even to stay on the same board.-Gospel Advocate.

Concerning Unity Conferences

Detroit brethren are mistaken to say we are not doing all we can for unity because we do not join the Murch-Witty movement. We just do not mean to compromise, for that is the only direction we can go if we have the truth now. Any movement from truth is bound to be either compromise or treason; truth does not vibrate or see-saw on a board.

If a conference with the Christian Church would do any good, of course every peace lover would participate. But the Christian Church does not intend to change its practices. Do I hear someone say, "You are judging them without a trial?" No, brethren, they have judged themselves. They do not consider us their equal; they consider us non-progressive, non-missionary, old-fashioned; unless we are willing to become as progressive(?) and modern as they, they are not interested in a unity movement! A harsh statement? Ask those staunch men who have come out from the Christian Church. Ask them if the Christian Church is turning back to the Testament or more to modern Christianity. We are no closer to the Christian Church today than we are the Baptist Church - Bible Banner.

What Do We Have In Common?

I know it is nicer to talk about things on which we agree than on differences; but that never gets any further than talk. A Catholic and a Protestant may talk forever on the fact that they both believe in Christ; they may praise each other, sing and quote poetry; but they will never be united till the differences are discussed.

I do not want to be unkind or radical. I do not want to discourage sincere efforts to promote unity between Christians and the Disciples of Christ, . . . What is the common ground between them? I know there used to be much in common. But in 1938 can it be said that plain New Testament Christians are any closer to Methodists than to Disciples? or vice versa?

  1. Inspiration of the Scriptures. - A Butler University professor (Disciple) in October, 1936, said to a class of young preachers: "You may read McGarvey as a good sermonizer, but you know we are a long way from his ideas of inspiration of the Scriptures." A young man, still believing the Bible hurt, objected with real seriousness. With a cynical laugh, the professor replied: "You have dyspepsia."

    Modernists among the Methodists have much in common with the Disciples on inspiration. Do Christians? (John 16:13.)

  2. Church Government. - Methodists have the pastor system. Disciples acknowledge on their bulletin boards the pastor system. Christians reject the pastor system. Which groups have more in common?

  3. Church Work. - Baptists have missionary boards. Disciples have missionary boards. Christians contend the church is the only scriptural missionary society. Who has common ground?

  4. Plan of Salvation. - Presbyterians deny immersion is essential.

    Peter Ainslie, Baltimore Disciple giant, said that to insist on immersion is to be without the love of Christ. Christians affirm we "are buried with him in baptism."

    Which groups have more in common?

  5. Music. - Catholics have mechanical music and robed choirs.

    Disciples have mechanical music and robed choirs.

    Christians make melody in their hearts.

    Which two groups are closer together?
  6. Lord's Supper.- Lutherans observe the Lord's Supper on Thursday.
    Disciples observe the Lord's Supper on Thursday.
    Christians break bread on the first day of the week.

  7. Special Days.
    Catholics observe Lent, Easter, etc.
    Disciples observe Lent, Easter, etc.
    Christians do not observe days, months, seasons.

-- Gospel Advocate.