A Case Of Mistaken Identity
In the last issue of the Bible Banner, this writer replied to an article appearing in the Gospel Advocate of February 18, by Woodrow C. Whitten of Los Angeles. The title of Bro. Whitten's article is "An Open Letter To Religious Dictators." In introducing my article, I wrote: "We were in school together at Freed-Hardeman College a few years back." Upon reading my reply to his article, Bro. Whitten wrote me that he had never attended Freed-Hardeman College and that I had confused him with another Bro. Whitten.
Under the foregoing circumstances I feel obligated to make this explanation. The Bro. Whitten with whom I attended school at Freed-Hardeman College is listed in the college yearbook of 1940 as "C. W. Whitten". It was stated in my previous article that we had not met since our college days. I had learned that Bro. C. W. Whitten had gone to California, and it was reported to me that he was connected with George Pepperdine College. With their last names being the same and their initials being interchanged, I leave it to the readers to determine how easy it would be to confuse these brethren.
Therefore, I am happy to learn and glad to state to the readers of the Bible Banner that the Bro. Whitten to whose article I replied is not Bro. C. W. Whitten with whom the writer attended Freed-Hardeman College. Bro. C. W. Whitten preaches at Oxnard, California. Inasmuch as this scribe was not replying to the writer of "An Open Letter To Religious Dictators" but to the article, not one word of the reply is affected. The article would need replying to regardless of its writer. This writer is not even mildly sorry for the truth in his reply and has no apology to offer for it. He is glad to have the readers of the Bible Banner know the difference between Woodrow C. Whitten of Los Angeles, California, and C. W. Whitten of Oxnard, California.