Vol.VIII No.IX Pg.2
November 1971

Keep Cool, Humble

Robert F. Turner

The Wichita Eagle carried a picture and story of Pastor Loses Grid Bet—But Scores— Oct. 28, 71. Seems a minister of Church of Christ in (of all places) Liberal, Ks. made a bet with the sports editor of the Southwest Daily Times on the Texas— Oklahoma football game. (Wish I could tell this without bringing up that game.) If Texas won Williams would attend Waltons church for four consecutive Sundays. If Oklahoma won, Walton would bring a church service to Williams home. Walton figured he couldnt lose— either way he would get to preach to Williams.

Walton showed up with seven members of his congregation who sang the hymns. Two of them led prayers. The 30-minute service was over by 7:30 p.m., as Williams and Walton had agreed. They wanted to watch a professional football game at 8: p.m. on television.

Do you suppose he preached a sermon on the evils of gambling; or was it that one about the true meaning of worship, in spirit and in truth??

A six-page letter brings a question so off—beat I will not bother to reply — but readers may be interested in what comes over an editors desk. The spelling and sentence structure are duplicated as near as possible with a typewriter.

Where in the scriptures is women to take the Lords Supper? On many cases the church of Christ on earth is so true, but on a few cases the church error because of lack of knowledge..... Any Christian does this today because of ignorants. They are to repent and be baptized (over again).... This is what the writer is saying in Hebrews chapter 6,.

I may have told the readers about the time a church asked me to preach for them, and said. We will give you $25. per week, and you wont have to give any contribution. I asked them if they had cleared that last part with the Lord. They had not.

Now my story is topped by Ross O. Spears, of Mulvane, Ks., who tells me he was once asked if he would preach for a church on a commission basis — percentage of the offerings, and you may work it up just as high as you can go. (Or words to that effect.) He did not.

Maybe we should make up a list of these old time stories. We could match them with todays blunders — to keep us cool, and humble.