Vol.VII No.II Pg.8
April 1970

Stuff About Things

Robert F. Turner

Visit a Sale Barn in sheep country, and you may join with the buyers on grand -stand type seats, arched about and elevated above the sales corral, facing the auctioneers box. Behind and to either side of the auctioneer are waiting pens, where the stock to be sold has been gathered. A sale is about to begin, so let me warn you about raising your hand, even to scratch your ear. You may buy twenty or thirty sheep, and not know it until they present you with the weight ticket and a bill.

When all is ready, the auctioneer signals, and a gate is opened between one waiting pen and the sales corral. The first animal through the gate is usually a goat, perhaps a large Billy, that rushes confidently into the arena and crosses to the far side. He is followed by a flock of trusting sheep, eager to be led, knowing not they are being led to sale and slaughter. Now keep your eyes on the goat!

As the sheep crowd the pen, you will see that he is no longer the bold confident leader. Head lowered, moving to one side of the milling sheep he slinks quietly toward the entrance gate. Just as the last sheep comes streaming into the sales corral the Billy goat slips quietly out, and the gate is closed. He has done his job well, and while the hapless sheep are being sold he munches a piece of cake and awaits his next turn at leading the sheep to the slaughter .

Do you understand why he is called the Judas Goat?? (Matt. 26: 14-f)

Jesus knew of his betrayal (Jn. 13) and freely gave Himself for us — but the stigma and responsibility of his betrayer remains. Nor did the odious office of betrayer cease when Judas Iscariot hanged himself. The world is filled with Judas Goats who, for a piece of cake, will lead unsuspecting followers to their doom.

He makes bold pronouncements on delicate subjects. While his followers are tangled in argument and confusion, he sneaks out by saying he was mis- understood, and didnt mean it that way. He proposes great projects, unmindful or ignorant of their ultimate cost in money and souls. The good shepherd leads boldly, but will die for his sheep. (Jn. 10:) The hireling flees when the wolf comes.

Judas Goats prosper because sheep will not think and act independently.