Vol.II No.I Pg.7
February 1965

Queries And Answers

Robert F. Turner

Dear bro. Turner :

Is it right for a woman to pursue a profession; commercially; for economical reasons? H.B., Michigan.


The "worthy" (virtuous, KJ) woman of Prov.31:10-f. "considereth a field and buyeth it" and "planteth a vineyard". She "perceiveth that her merchandise is profitable". She "maketh linen garments and selleth them, and delivereth girdles unto the merchant".

However, none of this was done at the expense of her family. "She looketh well to the ways of her household, -- her children rise up and call her blessed".

Paul taught that young (Christian) women should be "discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, etc" (titus.2:5). The Amer. Standard version translates "keepers" as "workers", the point being not that they are commanded to "stay" at home, but to be guardians, maintainers of the home through their diligent and faithful work.

The home is her responsibility. Bearing children, making for them a good home, maintaining a proper home atmosphere, providing loving care for husband and offspring; these things must come first. I do not believe she is forbidden to "work out" -- circumstances may require this -- but God's word pictures the home as her "profession" or "career" and for this she should prepare herself emotionally, spiritually, and by education. Such a "place" is glorious, and rewarding. Bro. Turner:

When one congregation is disciplining a brother who is in sin, what is the responsibility of neighboring congregations? Should they receive a man who is rejected by the first congregation? LLB, Oregon


Common sense, and respect for the actions of brethren whom we hold to be sound in the faith, should make a church wary of one who is disciplined by another church. It seems reasonable that the "home" church would be better able to determine the light or darkness of his course than others.

However, it is error to consider the rulings of one congregation binding upon all others. Fellowship is hinged upon truth (God's word) not upon the actions of any congregation (1 Jn.1:3-7 2 Cor.10:12-f). Sometime men keep fellowship with one who has walked in darkness, and is no longer in fellowship with God (1 Cor.5:1-f). It is also possible for men to refuse fellowship with some -- -putting them out of the church -- whom God continues to fellowship (3 Jn.9-10).

Disfellowship calls for collective action (Matt.18:17 1 Cor. 5:4) and the organizational structure of the church is limited to that of a single congregation. One church can not take disciplinary action for another, any more than it can take any other action on behalf of another. Each must make an independent decision as to whom they receive into their number, with a view to pleasing God, according to His word. Any other standard will denominationalize the church.