Vol.XII No.I Pg.7
March 1975

?You Know What?

Robert F. Turner

Dear bro. Turner:

Some churches are having a Youth Church — that is while they have regular worship the children have a separate worship of their own. Is such a thing scriptural? Mrs. F. L.


Young people mature enough to need and obey the gospel are as much members of the congregation as anyone, and should assemble with the rest of the saints for worship. When fellowship is made more narrow (youth) or more wide (non-saints) than those who walk with Him in light (1 Jn. 1:6-f) someone is claiming to know more than God about what is a good thing.

(2) Is there any way a Childrens Home can be run by the church and be scriptural?

The church does not run Homes. Home management and care, is a function of parents (Eph. 6:1-4; 1 Tim. 5:8, 11-14 Titus 2:4-5). A man must rule well his own house (1 Tim. 3:4) before his appointment; as a part of his domestic function and not in his capacity as bishop in a church.

When a home unit becomes dependent (unable to supply its own needs) the church may, under certain circumstances, give alms (1 Tim. 5:5, 16 Acts 4:34-f; 6:1-4). But there is nothing in the scriptures to justify setting up a general welfare institution, calling it a Home, then asking many churches to fund it for seeking and caring for general welfare needs. Such is no more a home than a city restaurant with a Home Cooking sign. Dont be deceived by terminology. General welfare is the responsibility of the individual — before he becomes a saint, and afterwards. It is a humanitarian obligation, ours by virtue of our relation to our fellow-creatures (Lu. 10:29-37 Rom. 1:28-31; i.e., even the Gentiles, without the codified law, were to be merciful). Becoming a Christian intensifies such obligations (Col. 3:17-25), but does not make them the work of the local church. There is little use to write more, as this is enough for those who wish to study the matter; and others closed their eyes two paragraphs back.

(3) What are the works of James 2: 24? Are these mens works?

It seems you are confusing this context with that of Rom. 4:2-f. James is speaking of works or fruits of faith -- the inevitable result of our absolute trust in God; while Paul is speaking of the result of mans ill-placed trust in himself. (Hope you read carefully last months article on Rom. 9.) There is no contradiction in Paul and James. The context is far from the same, hence the words must not be given an interchangeable use.

We are saved by faith in Christ — a faith which submits our will to His in humble obedience. In fact, the promises of the gospel are at the point so to speak, of this faith-produced obedience (Acts 2:38-42 Heb. 5:9; Acts 22:16). In our refusal to obey we evidence a lack of the kind of faith that saves. (See Gal. 5:6).

Rom. 4: refers to a system of works or law, where justification is possible only through sinless perfection.