Vol.X No.IX Pg.2
November 1973

Commit--Nt Requires Me

Dan S. Shipley

There is an old story with a good moral about Henrietta the hen and. Pattie the pig, who, while walking in the countryside one day, happened upon a weary and. half—starved traveler. After pondering the situation for a moment, Henrietta (being a benevolent sort of a hen) suggested to Pattie how nice it would be for them to provide this hungry stranger with a meal of bacon and eggs. To which the astonished Pattie squealingly replied: Henrietta, that may involve a small sacrifice for YOU, but for ME thats TOTAL COMMITMENT!

In Henrietta and Pattie are pictured. popular attitudes that hinder many would-be followers of Christ. Whether in ministering to the needs of others or otherwise serving the Lord, many are inclined to give that which costs the least. There are the Henriettas who crow of their willingness to give the very clothes off their backs. And. they will —after they have become worn out of out of style. And sometimes then only after removing the buttons and zippers (I have heard of some poor Mexican brethren who were recipients of such benevolence )

Then, as Pattie, too many of us are reluctant to give of self. True, some will, provide the eggs of a limited involvement, but like Henrietta, most are selfishly willing (if not expecting) that others furnish the bacon of total commitment. The difference between this total commitment and something less is the difference between living for self and giving of self. As a holy priesthood., Gods people first present their own bodies as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1). Self, then, becomes the altar upon which every acceptable sacrifice is offered unto the Lord. Apart from this altar what sacrifice could please Him? To put it another way, self must be the firstfruits sacrifice from every child of God.! Think about it. When the greater is freely given the lesser will not be withheld. This is nowhere better exemplified than in those poor and. afflicted Christians of Macedonia who willingly and even beyond their ability gave to help the poor saints of Jerusalem —but first they gave their own selves to the Lord... (2 Cor. 8:5).

However, the supreme example in such giving is to be seen in Christ Himself. With Paul, we must see what He has done as having a personal significance; that He loved me, and. gave himself up for me (Gal. 2:20). Truly appreciating that helps us to see that no commit__nt to the Lord is total without me!