Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 20, 1957

Thomas B. Warren's Deductive Syllogism

J. L. Hines, Dallas, Texas

"Major Premise: All total situations the constituent elements of which are scriptural are total situations which are scriptural.

Minor Premise: The total situation described in the proposition (Warren's) is a total situation the constituent elements of which are scriptural.

Conclusion: The total situation described in the proposition (Warren's) is a total situation which is scriptural." — Warren ONE. A major premise must be universally accepted; so we agree that Warren's major premise is TRUE and acceptable.

TWO. But Warren's minor premise is UNTRUE, for it must be proven that the "total situation" described in his proposition is true, before logicians can accept his minor premise as correct.

THREE. Before Warren's conclusion can be accepted as logically correct, he must first prove his minor premise, and this he cannot do, therefore his whole syllogistic argument breaks down.

Correct Syllogism

Major Premise: All total situations the constituent elements of which are scriptural are total situations which are scriptural.

Minor Premise: All constituent elements in a total situation which are scriptural, are scriptural.

Conclusion: Therefore each constituent element in a total situation which is scriptural is scriptural.

WHERE THE MATTER COULD HAVE BEEN MADE PLAIN: In Acts chapter 13 is the record of the church at Antioch sending out Saul and Barnabas. This church, as a complete organism, and independent of all other congregations, did "undertake" the work of preaching the gospel to many countries beyond. Here would have been a good opportunity to have demonstrated a CENTRALIZED CONGREGATIONAL control. This church could have issued a call to other churches thus: "We are undertaking to preach the gospel to Asia and Europe. We have some of the finest preachers in the brotherhood at our disposal, one of which is an apostle, but being unable to reach all of Asia and Europe, we are appealing to the churches everywhere to send in a liberal contribution to help in this gigantic work. We will give a full and complete account of all monies sent to us."

No brethren, that congregation being an autonomous church did its own work. Their preachers went out at the Holy Spirit's command, preached the gospel, established churches and reported back to the church sending them out. That is it, and the whole "situation" with "the constituent elements" was scriptural and is therefore scriptural today. But when a congregation undertakes a bigger job than it has the ability to carry out, it has no ethical nor scriptural right to jeopardize the autonomical influence of other congregations, through a process of begging.