Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 17, 1958

An Urgent Appeal!

Whopp an Hollow, U. S. A.

Dear Brethren:

This is an urgent plea from a faithful chair-loaning congregation. We have heard a rumor that some do not believe it scriptural for one congregation to loan another congregation even one chair.

We want the brotherhood to know that we are not an "anti-chair-loaning-congregation," that there is no limit to what we believe concerning cooperation. We believe in all kinds of cooperation.

We believe there are many struggling congregations over the country in need of chairs. To prove our sincerity we say with much modesty that we are sacrificing even to the extent of buying the postage out of our own treasury for the letters we are sending out calling for help.

This is our project. We plead with you to send us all the chairs you can spare and if you have no chairs send us the money and we will buy them. We in turn will send these chairs to the needy congregations over the country.

We are sure that you will agree that this is a worthy project. If any of the "Antis" should question this worthy project and cause trouble as they have in so many places, according to the report of other faithful chair-loaning-congregations, we will defend our practice in the same manner that so many of the present day issues have been defended by the following proposition:

"The Scriptures teach that one church may (has the right to) contribute to (send funds to, render assistance to) another church which has assumed (undertaken) the oversight of a work to which both churches sustained the same relationship before the assumption of the oversight." Syllogism used to prove the proposition:

1. Major Premise:

All total situations the constituent elements "(component parts) of which are scriptural are total situations which are scriptural.

2. Minor Premise:

The total situation described in my proposition is a total situation the constituent elements (component parts) of which are scriptural.

3. Conclusion:

The total situation described in my proposition is a total situation which is scriptural.

The Up and At'em Congregation