Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 23, 1958

Two Special Issues Coming Up

We have plans for two special issues of this paper which we believe will be of interest to every reader. They are "special" in the sense that an entire issue of the paper will be devoted to a treatment of one subject.

The February 6th issue (which will be two weeks from this one) will deal with the theme: THE WORKS OF THE FLESH, as enumerated by the apostle Paul in Galatians 5:19-21 — using the Revised Version. Various brethren will discuss different phases of the subject. The articles are excellent and to the point. They have a scholarly approach, yet they are simple and applied to our age. This will be a very important issue and will be (I think) widely acclaimed as a worthy addition to religious literature. It deserves and should have a wide circulation. No doubt many churches will want to order a bundle to be distributed at the building and otherwise used. The paper might well be used in a class study of this subject. Look at this line-up of subjects and writers:

FORNICATION-- Cecil Douthitt

UNCLEANNESS-- Vaughn Shofner


IDOLATRY -- W. R. Jones

SORCERY-- Osby Weaver

Enmities, Strife, Jealousies,




REVELLINGS -- Paul Brock

AND SUCH LIKE-- Bob Crawley

Surely it can be seen that this will be an issue filled with good reading and presenting a much-needed study of a very vital matter. Place your order at once for any extra copies desired.

The issue of March 6th will be a follow-up to the special above. That issue will treat the subject: THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. All will agree that this is certainly a subject worthy of much study and should receive the same consideration as the other. The first special will deal with matters that should, yea! they MUST NOT have any place in the life of a Christian. How many Christians know what is included in THE WORKS OF THE FLESH? The second special will discuss that which MUST be found in the life of every child of God who desires the Father's approval. What are these things which the apostle lists as THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT? How many of us really know? It shall be the purpose of these two issues to make these matters clear and definite, so that all who read may understand. Here is the line-up of subjects and writers for the second special issue:

LOVE -- Marshall E. Patton JOY-- Doyle Banta

PEACE-- W. Curtis Porter LONGSUFFERING-- George T. Jones

KINDNESS-- Robert Parrish GOODNESS-- Robert Welch

MEEKNESS --Jesse Kelley TEMPERANCE -- Jack L. Holt

These will be papers that one will want to keep and refer to time and time again. The matters discussed have to do with the individual Christian and how he should live. The subject is approached from both the negative and positive standpoint. Watch for the papers and be sure to order at once any extra copies that may be desired. Send all orders direct to the GOSPEL GUARDIAN COMPANY, Box 980, Lufkin, Texas. The price is not certain, but it will be but little above actual cost.