Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 7, 1957

Christian Skyscrapers

L. J. Karkosky, Jr., Johnstown, Penn.

TEXT; 2 Pet. 1:5-11,


A. Some cities are known for their skyline.

1. Example: New York and now Pittsburgh.

2. Skyscrapers exhibit a picture of height, beauty and strength.

B. What the world needs most is "CHRISTIAN SKYSCRAPERS,"

1. Men and women who by their works stand out in this sinful world.

2, Sinfulness and neglect have often obscured this sight.

I. WE ARE INSTRUCTED OF GOD TO GROW. 2 Pet. 3:18; Eph. 4:16.

A. God's word is the means. I Pet, 2:2.

B. We grow by rising to a higher standard of life and works. Mt. 5:16; Phil. 2:12-16; I Pet. 3:16-16.


A. Virtue - excellence; completeness.

1. Must not become satisfied and refuse to strive.

2. Where there is no attempt interest will be lost.

a. Example: Church at Laodicea. Rev, 3:17,

B. Knowledge - understanding; wisdom.

1. Having to do with God and His will; obedience to both.

2. To lack knowledge is to invite calamity. a. Example: Jews. Hos. 4:6; Rom. 10:2.

C. Temperance - self control.

1. Involves much more than intoxicants. Unless we control self we shall be controlled by the flesh. I Pet, 2:11; I Cor. 9:25-27.

D. Patience - constancy; endurance.

1. Herein do we have power and strength to work out our salvation to the end. Jas. 1:4; Mt, 24:13.

2. Without it we yield to forces of Satan. I Pet. 5:8; 2 Cor. 2:11,

E. Godliness - God-likeness,

1. Natural for children to imitate parent they love and need.

2. Our new creation takes on this likeness without hypocrisy. Col. 3:1-10; 2 Tim. 3:5,

F. Brotherly Kindness - love of brethren.

1. As families, the Brotherhood can only advance successfully when we learn to love and appreciate one another.

2. Many evils and heartaches result from its lack. I Pet. 3:8-11; I Cor. 13.

G. Charity - affection; goodwill,

1. This kind of love is an aftermath of God's goodness. Rom. 2:4.

2. Without it springs forth foreign societies and later judgment. Gal. 6:10; Jas. 1:27; Mt, 25:31-46; Eph. 3:21.


A. Faith provides the proper foundation. Heb 11:6; 2 Pet 1:5.

1. Without it no building could stand, (Mt, 7:24-27.)

2. Having "faith only" is like having a foundation with no building. (Jas. 2:17.) B. Has your faith led you unto obedience? Mk. 16:16.

If so, then diligently add the mentioned qualities which will spiritually give you, "height, beauty and strength," (Mt. 28:20.)