Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 11, 1957

Adventures In Good Reading

All Books Intended For Review In This Column Should Be Sent To C. B. Nichol, Clifton, Texas.

THE CHRISTIAN'S DAILY GUIDE, By William S. Deal, Baker Book House. $1.

In the rush of the business world, as well as social life, many people do not take time to register a thought from the Book of Books to carry with them through the day. In this book you will find a verse from the Bible for each day in the year. It would be wise to have the nice small book on the breakfast table, and turn to the page giving you a thought to register for encouragement, or cautions movements through the day. Begin the day with a word from Jehovah.

NINETY-FIVE BRIEF TALKS, By C. B. Eavey, Baker Book House. $2.

The variously arranged subjects contain interesting suggestions, and though replete, the way is open for the speaker to make many additions, and extend the talk. The man who has but little time to prepare a speech will often consult this book, and find many inspiring thoughts on which to build a very interesting short-talk. The author is versatile, but develops a short speech which will be appreciated. You will be glad to have a copy of the book.

THE THEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTS, By D. M. Baillie, Charles Scribner's Sons, $3.

When "Sacraments" are mentioned most people think of the "Lord's Supper," and "Baptism."

The author in this book gives a history of the views expressed by different religious teachers; and himself approaches the discussion of the subject in a rather unique way, yet holds one's interest continually, even though you may not agree with him in all he says. You will be interested in his discussion, as well as the entire discussion, and register a number of thoughts which may not have occurred to you. I am glad to have a copy of the book in my library. You will read the book with increasing interest, and be glad to get the new view expressed. A well written, interesting book.

SERMONS FROM JOB, By Clovis G. Chappel, Abingdom Press. $2.

Mr. Chappell is one of the popular writers of the day, and always presents his views in an interesting way, and gives the reader many surprises by the new light he gives to the subject discussed.

The chapter on Job will bring you new thoughts, and make the entire book of Job more interesting than has been likely yours in reading the record.

In a large measure the chapter: "Slander Is An Art" permeated the book, in which it is shown how "artful" Satan was in his part in the conversations recorded in the book of Job.

The fifteen chapters in Mr. Chappell's book are brim full of interesting discussions, and will be appreciated by the reader, as well as give him a new insight to the book of Job.