Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 5, 1956


PROPOSED COLLEGE IN THE OHIO VALLEY Halley Smith, 726 S. Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio, March 10: "For some time brethren have discussed the need and possibility of a junior college, operated by Christians, in the Ohio-West Virginia area. In recent months a few brethren have banded together to try for a systematic method of procedure. Some progress has been made along this line.

"In August 1955 a 'Selecting Committee' was organized by several brethren who were interested in such a school. This committee was to select a Planning Committee. The Planning Committee has been selected as follows: W. Leon Matheny (Chairman), Robert Roe, (Vice Chairman), Clifton Inman (Recording Secretary), R. N. Perkins, Bill Curry and Halley Smith. At the first meeting of the Planning Committee a Service Committee was appointed as follows: Location, Robert Roe; Charter and By-Laws, Clifton Inman; Finance, R. N. Perkins; Educational Requirements, Bill Curry; Promotion, Halley Smith. (Note: For lack of time I have asked to be released as a committee member as soon as another can be chosen. H.S.) W. Leon Matheny is also chairman of this Service Committee.

"The Planning Committee has convened three times to date (Feb. 1956). Several problems have been studied such as location, charter and by-laws, etc., as indicated by the five headings of the Service Committee. Any advice, suggestions, or comments will be appreciated. No doubt many brethren are in possession of information and experience that would be very valuable to us in this effort. Any help would be gratefully received. If you have a suggestion let us hear from you.

"The college is not being established in opposition to those of the brotherhood that already exist. Those living in Ohio or West Virginia might help in sending information about any possible location for the school. Your local Chamber of Commerce might be interested in giving information and help."

Concerning Porter's Book Shop Club

W. Curtis Porter, Porter's Book Shop Club, P. O. Box 195, Monette, Arkansas: "Recently, as readers will remember, a full page advertisement was published in the Gospel Guardian relative to my book club. The book club will publish books of my own — those of which I am author or debates in which I have engaged with other men. No book in print will be published through this book club. In other words, only new books will be made available by this. So there will be no duplication of any book you already have. Some do not like to mutilate their Gospel Guardian by cutting out the form to mail to me. So if you are keeping your papers and do not wish to cut out the blank, just drop me a post card telling me that you wish to be a member of the club. This will be just as well as sending in the regular form. The first book is already in the hands of the printer, but I need to increase the membership of the club by the time the first book is ready. So many other responsibilities have made it impossible for me to mail out the forms as I should like to do. No money is required in advance. All I want is just your word that you will take as many as four books per year at 20% discount from the retail price. This will make possible the publication of the books. Let me hear from you at once."

John Bullock, 1900 Turtle Creek Dr., Marshall, Texas, March 22: "We are beginning our second year with the South Washington congregation. Work with this congregation is excellent. During the year 48 have responded to the invitation. Twenty-one were baptized, 17 restored and 10 were identified. We lacked only four having an average of one response each Lord's day during the 52 weeks. We have conducted a weekly radio program over the local station — KMHT. We have two meetings and a VBS scheduled during the next nine months. W. L. Wharton holds our first meeting and Luther Blackmon the second. My time is filled for meetings this year. When in Marshall visit with us."