Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 27, 1955

Help Needed For Mexican Work

Mack Kercheville, Evangelist Box 3487, El Paso, Texas

Dear Brethren:

We have a special need to present for your consideration. Bro. Gene Wilson is going to need full-time support beginning January 1st. Our present contributions are not adequately taking care of our present needs. We need $200 per month more than is coming in now.

Brother Wilson is preparing himself to preach in Spanish, and has been studying with us here while attending college on his G. I. bill. His Government help for schooling will be up in January. So he must either get full-time support for church work or turn to secular work. We believe that within a year Bro. Wilson will be capable of doing an excellent work in any Spanish speaking field where brethren want to use him. Right now he is a good enough worker to us here in El Paso to be worth every cent invested in his support.

His services are needed in 1956 because the preaching load in and around El Paso is too much for one man. He is a great help in handling the large quantity of letters which come here for translation to and from Mexico. He is needed to help us get into effective operation the Bible Correspondence Course which is already written and ready for use. The local Mexican church is furnishing Bro. Wilson a house and utilities at a cost of about $65.00 per month. They join in asking full-time support for him. Please let us know how much you can help on this work so we can make plans accordingly. Thank you.

Thank you for your contributions. Please send to box number given below.

Lorenzo Martinez, In behalf of the El Paso Mexican Church of Christ