Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 25, 1954

Will The U. S. Print "Roman Catholic Postage Stamps"?

Luther W. Martin, Rolla, Missouri

If the Roman catholic Church has her way, she will be spreading her false doctrine by way of the U. S. Postage Stamps. Copied below, is an item from the St. Louis Register, the official organ of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, published in the January 29, 1954, issue, Section Two, page four.

"Marian Stamp Proposed To Postmaster General"

"Fort Smith, Ark. — The Marianist Affiliation Service has suggested that Catholics write Arthur Summerfield, Postmaster General, Washington, a C., or their Congressman the following letter to promote the idea of a Marian commemorative stamp:

"`May I suggest that a stamp be issued next May honoring Mary, the Mother of Christ, the world's greatest Mother?

"`Mary symbolizes the sublimity of women, and honoring her on Mother's Day would be honoring the dignity of motherhood in its highest perfection.

" 'Your consideration of this matter when formulating the stamp program for 1954 would be deeply appreciated'."

Thus as the above indicates, the Vatican would even stoop to enlisting the use of the U. S. Mails in an effort to spread the peculiar dogma of the adoration of Mary. It was during the fourth century that a sect called the Collyridians began the adoration of Mary. In the fifth century there were numerous sects who paid her homage and invented names and terms to be applied to her. It was the fifth century which witnessed the Nestorian controversy. Nestorious was the Patriarch of Constantinople and he objected to the expression "Mother of God" as applied to Mary. However, he was finally excommunicated and the "Myth of Mary" has been ever increasingly exaggerated.

May I urge that Christians use the same legitimate tactics that the Catholic publication requested its followers to pursue. Namely, that letters will be written to the Postmaster General and your Congressmen, requesting that the United States Government refrain from engaging in any practice that will result in one sect being supported by the Government in the spread of its own peculiar propaganda.

If Catholicism is opposed to the distribution of Gideon Bibles in the Public Schools of New Jersey, Nebraska, and other states, should she not also be consistent and refrain from seeking propaganda spreading advantages for her own doctrines?

It is my sincere hope that the Postmaster General will ignore such a sectarian request as is recommended by the St. Louis Register.