Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 3, 1953

Comments On Woods' Lecture, "Dangers Facing The Church"

Charles A. Holt, Jr., Mt. Pleasant, Texas

In this issue of the Guardian will be found a splendid article under the above caption by Brother Guy N. Woods. It is part of a speech that he delivered at Abilene Christian College in 1939. I have given the heading to the article. I sincerely hope that everyone will read the article. The part of his speech that I am passing on is very timely. These fine thoughts were all but buried in the book containing the lectures given at Abilene in 1939.

In this speech Brother Woods spoke of these "dangers" as being very real and threatening FOURTEEN YEARS AGO! Many of us believe they are even more threatening today. I wonder what Brother Woods thinks about it TODAY?

In 1939 Brother Woods said that he could not view the future with that "unalloyed optimism" characteristic of some. He could see THEN on the horizon "signs which augur ill for the cause of primitive New Testament Christianity." FOURTEEN YEARS AGO Brother Woods said that one is a "poor observer of men and of things who cannot see slowly developing trends UTTERLY SUBVERSIVE OF THE PRINCIPLES WHICH THUS FAR HAVE MOTIVATED US." Rather positive language is it not? It is a wonder that someone did not say of Brother Woods as he spoke of these dangers, that he was a "fulminating factionist" and a "hobbyist."

In 1939 Brother Woods said that "there is being made a determined and persistent effort to prepare the mind of the brotherhood for changes, revolutionary changes, WHICH WILL WORK RUIN FOR CHURCHES OF CHRIST IF PERMITTED TO SUCCEED." Just who was then leading in that "determined and persistent effort" that would work such ruin Brother Woods did not say, but he certainly claimed to recognize the effort and it is hardly possible that he recognized such an "effort" without recognizing those who were making it. Wonder what has happened to this "effort" during the last fourteen years? Has it ceased? From Brother Wood's able pen has come no further warnings and teaching concerning such. Many of us who esteem his ability and appreciate him would like to hear from him concerning such things TODAY. Brother Woods said then that if these changes were permitted to succeed that they would work "ruin for churches of Christ." Surely "changes" of this character need to be pointed out and in no uncertain terms. We can be grateful to him for speaking out as he did and warning about such. Let us hope and pray that by our silence and refusal to deal with such TODAY that we do not let this "effort" succeed. Many of us believe that the effort is even more "determined and persistent" today than in 1939. Is "THE TENDENCY TOWARD INSTITUTIONALISM" still with us? It was very apparent and threatening in 1939 according to Brother Woods. What about "THE PASTOR SYSTEM"? What of the "TENDENCIES TOWARD COMPROMISE"? Are we not being "threatened" with these "dangers" today? Surely there are "signs which augur ill for the Cause of primitive New Testament Christianity" today and one is a "poor observer of men and of things" who cannot see such. We need TODAY, as Brother Woods so ably and faithfully did in 1939, to "here and now declare our protest" against all such. This should not be left to just a few. We need to oppose all such "determined and persistent" efforts today. The Cause of Christ, the purity of the church, the salvation of souls, all is involved in this matter. Let us not fail! "Fight the good fight of faith."